A Clones Impact

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Listen to song wen it comes to greens pov


Night came. Light had gone down for dinner earlier that evening and noticed green hadn't shown up. He mentioned it to yellow, but yellow didn't seem to care. Now light sat on his bed with his head in hands. His thoughts were still a mess. He knew green wasn't ok and he knew a danger was lurking. But he didn't know what to do. Pink had told him he would need to protect the others. That added more stress. Just then there was a knock on his window. He looked out and slipped the window open to let the person in. Dark climbed into the room and fell on to the bed. His face was dirty and he looked tired.
"Dark? What are you doing here?"
"Ugh. Light I needed to talk to you. Listen."
"Ok... We both know that if someone see's you, you're dead."
"Yeah I know. But I need to ask you something and I need to tell you something. Light. I've been a fool. Please forgive me! I know! I know it's a lot to ask but please! I was a fool to want revenge and a fool to hurt you and red-"
"Dark... Oh dark. Yes I forgive you. We all deserve a second chance."
"I don't know how my own creation turned out better then I did..."
TDL murmured.
"You said you want to also tell me something..."
"Oh. Yeah... It's not good news. There's a big danger coming. A killer worse then me, worse than anything yet. I want to earn the others forgiveness by trying to defeat it. I know it will be over powerful and there's no way I can. I want to ask you to... Well... To help me as best you can. I have a plan..."
"Wait! I need explanation! Pink told me this exact thing this morning and I'm so confused."
"What did she say?"
"That there's a danger on the horizon bigger than anything the gang has ever faced. She said I have to protect them. It feels like it's all up to me."
"Scratch my plan. Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"Of course! Please keep a look out. Warn me when the danger draws close. If we can prepare on time we can defeat it, hopefully."
Dark was quiet. TLL studied his face. His eyes looked tired but determined. But something in them also seem lost and confused.
"Dark... Do you mind telling me why you wanted revenge?"
Dark closed his eyes and his head drooped.
"Not yet..."
He murmured. TLL sighed. Then he heard something outside the door. Quickly, dark left and TLL closed the window. He laid down in the bed and pretended to sleep. He listened for the sound but there was nothing. A few minutes passed before he heard the creek of a floor board and steps away from the door. Someone had been listen to his conversation with dark! He was in big trouble if who ever it was ratted on him. Now he was more stressed.

✺Greens POV✺

Green knew what she had heard. Light was up to no good and dark was still controlling him. She wanted so badly to tell everyone else, but she knew that telling the others would only bring more drama, and lately she had had enough! It was driving her insane. Her stomach had started to hurt and her head always ached. But yet she told no one. And since she had met light she knew that he was just going to make her hurt even more. Bringing him to there group was the worst decision yet. Not only would he bring more drama, but he would also surly become a over protective good two shoes. And green hated goody two shoes. She felt such an urge to go rat on him but she didn't. Even as morning came she kept it to herself. Days came and days went. She overheard dark and light almost every night. They talked about a danger that was coming. She rolled her eyes.
'Please stop! You've already damaged us enough.'
The more she locked away the things she heard, the more her head hurt. They pain was growing rapidly but green felt the need to keep it a secret. She found herself lying about everything and hiding even the smallest things from her friends. Life was falling down around her. It was like she carried the weight of the world on her back and no one was there to lift her burdens. No one. She was alone.

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