Fight Through Pain

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Violence and blood warning ⚠️

•Reds POV•

Red woke late in the night and had trouble going back to sleep. Her back and neck hurt extremely bad and her head felt heavy. Even though her body felt tired red didn't get any sleep the rest of the night. Early in the morning TDL burst into the room.
"Red. It's been nice to meet you. I need you to come with me."
His voice was urgent and his eyes alert. Something felt off.
He grabbed her rist and pulled her out of the room.
"I can't answer questions. I just need you to listen carefully to what I say."
He sat red down in his office. The tarp had been placed over the weapons again and all the technology was turned off.
"Red. Since I met you I knew there was something different about you. Listen to me red! Don't listen to what the others might say to you. You are very special. And red please tell my clone... That he is free to live as he likes. He's not under my control... Red will y..."
Darks head shot up and he starred at the wall. Red looked at him confused.
"Stay here!"
He commanded. He rushed out of the room, closing the door behind him. Red stood and moved over to the tarp and pulled it down. Half the weapons were gone. She grabbed a chain and held it in her hands.
"Somethings different."
She whispered. A crash. Yelling. Red quickly grabbed a dagger and held tight to the chain. She turned to the door as it came crashing down. Red nearly dropped the weapons when she saw Second.
He ran over to her and hugged her. Red hugged him back and looked over at the door. TLL stood outside watching. Red let go of SC and walked over to a Light.
"Thank you."
She said, giving him a small hug.
"There's not much time,"
SC said, coming to the door,
"The others are outside right now handling TDL, but we know he's to powerful. We have to go!"
Red screeched when Second grabbed her arm. Quickly he took away his hand.
"Red! What happened t-"
"Grab weapons..."
Red pointed at the shelf. She looked down at the chain and dagger in her hands. SC and TLL returned with there choice of weapons and then headed out. When they grew closer to the exit red heard screaming and the fighting. Quickly they ran into the battle. Red took on dark from behind, knocking him to the ground. She put the dagger to his neck.
"Red. I deserve this, I really do, but you can't kill me yet."
Red felt her hand grow hot. She realized it was burning. Quickly she jumped off Dark and shook her hand. Dark stood and faced her.
"Don't fight. Your hurt. GET OUT!"
He mouthed.
"No... No you can't stay alive!"
She jumped at him, driving the dagger into his arm. She felt him flinch. A smile crossed her face but quickly faded when she felt pain stab her leg. She lost balance and fell. A cut had opened and blood cushed out.
TDL shrieked. Within seconds the rest of the gang was on Dark and red was left in the puddle of blood. Slowly she got to her feet and made her way back into the fight. She rapped her hand around the chain. A hand was placed on her shoulder. She quickly turned and realized it was Light. He was breathing heavily and also seemed injured.
"Red stop fighting. You're badly hurt!"
"So are you!"
Red brushed his hand away and dove back into the heat of there fight. Some how it seemed TDL was still wining, even without any technology. Within minutes everyone was beat. TDL floated in the air. His eyes landed on red.
"I'll be back."
Red was shocked, his lips didn't move but she knew she had heard him. His hands were blazing as he retreated, leaving everyone sweating and bruised. Red looked around her. Everyone had gathered near TLL who had collapsed. As red stood still her mind turned to her own pain. She realized dozens of cuts had opened and were bleeding through her shirt, which had already been soiled with blood. Her neck hurt and the cut in her leg made it hard to stand. She tried. She really did, but it got to be to much. Her eyes clouded and she collapsed.


When everyone heard red collapse they immediately ran to her. TLL staggered to his feet and made his way to her. Blue had knelt down and was examining her wounds.
"Internal bleeding and broken bones. Also some very severe cuts and bruises. We need to get back home."
TLL nodded but SC put a hand on his shoulder.
"You shouldn't fly us back, you'll hurt yourself. "
"How else will you get back? "
"Yellow could-"
"That would take to long. We need to get red back ASAP! "
SC sighed and nodded.
"Don't blame me if you injure yourself more. "
"I can take it. Let's go."
Everyone held hands and blue let Light carry red. It did feel painful to care so many people when he was injured, but TLL new red had felt much much worse and need care. When they got back blue took red into the guest room and laid her on the bed. Blue told everyone but yellow to leave. Everyone headed down to the living room and watched a movie to distract there minds. Yellow returned after a few long minutes. She reported that red would need surgery to stop the internal bleeding.

(Also, only half of the house had been blown up before the second kidnapping, they managed to get it cleaned up and it was in the process of remaking. They are in another corner of the house for the rest of the book, just so you know :)

Also credit to Redsthebeststick for ideas in this chapter!!
(Thank you so much reds the best stick for the idea it worked great in this story!!)
People go check out the stories on her account! Follow her too! ♡

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