"Your Victim?!"

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"Ha! Your not victim!"
Chosen scoffed.
SC took a step forward.
"If you really are victim tell us what made look like... This."
"I heard that TDL-
"Oh ok, TLL, was back. I wanted to go see him but when I tried to climb on the adobe animate app I slipped. Some weird black and white wave crashed down on me and I blacked out. I woke up and looked like this. Please guys, please believe me!"
SC looked at chosen then back at the others. He sighed.
"Victim. I believe you."
"Thank you!"
Chosen cleared his throat.
"Wheres TLL?"
He whispered to SC. Second looked around the room. He wasn't there.
"He couldn't have just disappeared."
Chosen shook his head.
"I knew we couldn't trust him."
TSC turned to the others.
"Did any of you see were Light went?"
They shook there heads.
"He was standing right infront of you and you didn't see him go?!"
Chosen snapped.
Green and red said sarcastically.
"Ugh. Alright spread out. Green, red, and purple check upstairs in all the room. Blue, yellow, and Second check down here. Victim and I will go outside and check."
Chosen instructed.
"And keep and eye out for the black and white wave victim talked about."

•Reds POV•

Red ran upstairs with green and purple tagging along behind.
"He couldn't have gotten far."
Green said. Red turned to her.
"I don't believe he's doing anything bad. He was just fixed!"
"I didn't say he was doing anything bad."
Red groaned. Quietly, she slipped into the first room. Nothing. Green and purple slipped into the next two rooms. Again, nothing. They checked one more room and the bathroom. Still nothing.
"Maybe he's downstairs."
Red shrugged.
"He goes were he wants, when he wants. Not like he is being held captive here. We're not his bosses."
"Red, you really have to stop being so naive."
Red was shocked.
"Watch what you say, green!"
Red snapped. She was about to run down the steps when a loud boom rang in the house. The floor gave away and red, green, and purple fell with it.

TDL'S Curse's (AvA/M Alan Becker Fanfiction, prt 2)  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang