Ch: 11

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It's been about a week since Wally had last talked to howdy. And Wally was getting ready to go on another break in/heist inside a mall that had been broken into at 10:33 at night.

"Okay Wally your all set and by the way please don't get caught by the police again" Eddie said. Wally chuckled "don't worry Eddie i won't I will be more careful this time" Wally said. He turned around toward the garage and went over to his bike. He sat on the bike and pushed the button. He put both of his feet on the pegs and drove off down the hill and onto the road.

[10 minutes later - sorry if this sorry is fast I'll try to slow it down]

Wally arrived at the mall. It was dark but sally could see some lights on the second story window of the mall.
"couldn't these guys find a better place to talk about these plans it's just to predictable" Wally whispered. He got off his bike and quietly ran toward the back off the mall. 
He looked up and saw a ladder pointing straight up onto the malls roof. Of course he couldn't reach it cuz of how small he was.
But that wouldn't stop Wally.

He took a couple steps back and ran toward the wall and grabbed onto the ladder.
He slowly gotten his grip tight enough around the ladder and slowly climbed himself up.

He was on top of the roof after climbing on the mall's emergency ladder. He looked around and saw a stairway toward the malls inside. He quietly walked down the flights of stairs and onto the main part of the malls lobby.

He now reached the center of the mall and he looked around. It was dark but not that dark for him to not see what's around him.
He then heard laughing coming from around him. Wally sighed and looked around him to see nothing. Then a little girl skips from the darkness. "Hiya Mista!" She said. Her voice was almost high pitched. Then wally noticed what she was wearing.
She held up a sharp cutting knife and just smiled at him

 She held up a sharp cutting knife and just smiled at him

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[i don't know how to draw clowns-...srry]

"Please don't make me fight a child...especially a clown one." wally said under his breath. "My boss told me you were afta somthin that belongs to us so if I were ya I'd say you better turn around and skedaddle" she said before giggling. "I would rather fight a clown since your far from being a child..." Wally said low "fun! Let's get started then" she said clapping her hands together. She ran at Wally and threw some cutting knifes at him and he dodged each one. She then jumped on him and started to pull his hair he then grabbed her by the neck and threw her down, she then got up and kicked his shin. But he got up immediately and punched her nose and kicked her stomach leading her to get almost launched into a wall he then took out a device and threw it at her. It was a device to tie their enemies so they can't move. "Well played mista" was all she said before trying to untie her self.

Wally turned around and he walks up the escalator since the power was not on.
He quietly walked until he heard the sound of people talking inside a clothing store.
He crouched down and poped his head around the entrance of the corner to see the same woman that kicked him at the warehouse "so the boss said we have to take a plane to Canada to talk to the builder that lives in that old wooden cabin in the woods by the city. Then we have to take a plane to Poland to activate the first missile understand?" The girl said. Two woman nodded and then started to walk toward the exit of the store.

Wally crouched back into the dark so he can not be seen. The woman walked to the right and Wally quietly and quickly grabbed her and and hit the carotid side of the neck to make her get knocked out instantly. He placed her down on her back and stood up and quietly walked inside the clothing store.
He went behind a clothing rack and saw the woman place down the blue prints while talking to a girl. Wally didn't know what to do. If he went toward the blueprints the girl talking to the woman would see him

Wally reached for his devices but his bag was missing he turned his head down.
Shit. I must have left the devices down stairs. I can't go back now there are people on patrol down there. And the..kid clown
Wally thought.

Then he heard something medal hit the ground. "Shit!"the woman said  Wally then looked down and saw a flash bomb. Wally covered his ears and took cover as the flash bomb went off.

Wally uncovered his ears as he saw the woman including other ladies groaning and on the ground trying to pick themselves up.
Wally ran toward the blueprints no questions asked and grabbed them
"GET THAT LITTLE SH-" before the woman can finish her sentence a figure in black dived inside from a window and stomped on her head leaving her to get knocked out. Wally looked at the man.
The man was...tall.

The man pointed toward the exit door
And Wally knew what he was saying he ran outside the clothing store and so did the Man.

The man in black punched people out of his way and slid down the escalator. The clown child was chuckling as she finally got out of the ropes. The man looked down to see a bag on the ground. He looked at Wally to see him behind the man. The man picked up the bag and gave it to Wally before he distracted the others to let Wally escape.
Wally wanted to say thank you. But his questions were why didn't he talk? Who was he? Was he another spy? Then Wally saw something that made his eyes widen.

The man in black. 4 arms.

Wally shook out the thoughts and ran toward the stairway followed by the clown child. "Where are ya goooiiiinn" she said. Wally turned the corner, and left the sight of the clown"Do you think you can just hide from me and not be found?.. " the child said. Wally then came from the shadows and kicked her back leading her to fall on her stomach "I must be as good of a hider as your dad since you have not found him yet" Wally said. the clown child smile went to a frown quickly. "Now I'm not playing nice" the girl said Wally ran upstairs onto the roof. And then girl ran upstairs with him. "No where to go ya smiling demon" the girl said.

Wally took a step back toward the edge.
She then launched at Wally but Wally moved out the way leading her to leap off the edge. Wally immediately looked down and saw the clown laying on her stomach not moving. "I didn't want to kill a kid. But..that wasn't really a kid" wally said.
He went toward the ladder and slid down it.

Then the thoughts of the man came back.
Who was he... wally thought as he started his bike and put both feet on the pegs and drove off toward his headquarters full speed

Wally arrived at the headquarters. He parked his bike and went inside. He took off his mask and went past everyone while they were on their laptops researching. Wally pulled down his mask. Julie turned back "oh my gosh wally what happened to you?" She said in a surprised tone Wally looked at her

 Julie turned back "oh my gosh wally what happened to you?" She said in a surprised tone Wally looked at her

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Julie closed her mouth and cleared her throat. Everyone looked back. And saw wally holding the blue prints.
"Oh you got it! Good job Wally" barnaby said. Wally just nodded and went to his room after placing the blue prints down onto the glass coffee table.

Wally plopped down on his bed he had many questions going through his mind.
Who was that guy?, why didn't he talk to Wally? Was he also a spy? Why did that stranger help Wally..

Wally opened his eyes and looked at The clock. 1:23. He sat up and went to his bathroom and took a shower.

After he was done he changed into pajamas and got in his bed. He covered himself with his covers and he immediately went to sleep.

[who do you think that man was?]

A spy's butterfly [howdy x Wally]Where stories live. Discover now