Ch: 3

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Howdy was researching and gathering evidence on the computer in the chiefs office while the chief left to be there for his wife while giving birth. So he had to leave immediately letting howdy be in charge.

He looked up the last people to be there at the museum. There was teenagers outside at the time so he needs to interview those suspects/witnesses, he looked up the teenagers names. Troy a 18 year old boy. Daisy 16 year old girl. Daffy a 19 year old boy. Caroline a 18 year old girl. They all were in their interrogation rooms with other officers, howdy got up and walked outside the chiefs office and toward the first room.

He walked inside to see daffy first. He closed the door. "Hello daffy jacobs do you know why your here today" howdy said sitting down. "Yeah. Because there was..a break in at the home museum" daffy said actually quiet nervously. Howdy noticed "Don't worry your not in any trouble, your in here because I'm going to ask a few questions" howdy said. Daffy looked up. "Is that okay?" Howdy asked, daffy looked at his hands then back at howdy and nodded.
"Okay" Howdy said. He took out a pen and paper and held it in his hands. "Why were you there last night" howdy said. " and my friends were just out there smoking. Y'know cuz it was a nice night.." daffy said howdy nodded and wrote it down.

"And then we saw cop cars,..and we tried to go but they wouldn't let us" daffy said.
"Did you see the culprit?" Howdy asked.
Daffy shook his head slowly. Howdy wrote that down. "Is that all you know daffy?" Howdy asked. Daffy nodded his head. Howdy slowly nodded. "Okay..An officer will be here shortly to escort you outside" howdy said. "Okay" daffy said.

Howdy opened the door and exited the room. He went to the next interrogation room. To find Troy. He closed the door. "Hello troy buckle, do you know why your here?" Howdy asked sitting down. "Yeah, because stupid police officers put me here" Troy said with sass, "alright..well I'm going to ask you some questions okay?" Howdy said. "Go ahead caterpillar" Troy said.
Howdy was about to break his pencil but he kept his cool.

"Why were you there last night at the home museum" howdy asked. "Me and my friends were having fun smoking except one but she's no fun" Troy said. Howdy wrote that down except the last part. " Did you see who the culprit was?" Howdy said. "No, I mean if I did I would've told you am I wrong?" Troy said smiling slyly. Howdy jaw cracked as he was getting more angry with this guy.
"Okay.. A police officer will be here soon to escort you out" howdy said. Howdy got up and walked toward the door "hope it's a female one!" Troy said howdy closed the door. He saw a female officer coming and he shook his head at her. "Go bring oryan" howdy said. The police officer was confused "why detective" she asked. "Trust me you don't want this one" howdy said. she nodded and went to go get the officer.

He walked to the next interrogation room. He opened the door and saw Caroline
"Hello Caroline berrington, do you know why your here today?" Howdy asked closing the door and taking a seat. She looked up from her phone and took a look at him.
He smiled and placed her phone down
"Yeah because a certain someone wanted to see me" she said, "I'm going to ask you a few questions is that okay?" Howdy asked.
"It depends what type of questions your gonna ask me" Caroline said. Howdy looked up from his note pad and at her. He looked at the officer in the corner with confusion.
The officer shrugged and howdy looked back at her. "why were-" "you gonna ask me out?" She said smiling, howdy's eyes widened. " I'm here to ask you-"
"Cuz if you are I'll gladly take the offer of you asking me out. Your more cute than I thought detective, honestly I thought it would be an old dude but I was wrong" she said. Howdy looked down to see her reaching for his hand. He immediately pulled away and pushed his chair back.

Howdy cleared his Throat. " Caroline im here to interrogate you. uhm..ask you out.." howdy said. Caroline smiled more slyly at him. "Fine fine, but if your looking for a girl. I'll give you my number" Caroline said. Howdy just cringed at what she just said. He sighed and looked down at his note pad. "Why were you at the local home museum last night" howdy said.
"Me and my friends were just smokin cuz it was a nice night after all" Caroline said.
Howdy wrote that Down. "And when the museum went under lock down did you see the culprit?" Howdy asked. "Nope, I was to busy finishing my cigarette to even look" Caroline said. Howdy didn't even write that down. "Okay an officer will escort you out soon" howdy said. He got up "awh your not going to escort me out baby?" Caroline said in a whine. Howdy looked back at her right before he was about to leave. She winked at him. "You wanna know something Caroline" he said smiling. She smiled wider now "oh what is it~" she said in a flirty voice

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