chapter 7 the end.

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With the kidnapped and revenge group.

"So what now?" Scar asked.

"We blow up this place and kill the head watcher." Martin exclaimed excitedly.

"Great Idea my Humming Bird!" Grian said.

Martin smiled at his preferred mother.

"NO! Lets not murder anyone!" Xisuma exclaimed.

"X. You murdered the most Watchers on our way here," Doc said.

"I -  uh...  Okay. Fine. " Xisuma said .

"C: let's go then !" Scar said.

"Not without an actual way out. " - Bdubs

"Mother knows all-" Pearl started.

"Mother sees shit-" Martin then said.

" Xel doesn't need no plan. " Zaharia finished.

" Let's go."

They all followed Grian out ou the dungeon, into the main corridor, and out the front door without being detected by the watchers and along the way they set up bombs.

" Who wants to trigger them?" Grian asked the hermits.

Doc, Cub, Iskall, False and Stress raised their hands.

"Obviously there are more of ya." Joe said.

Then Kerilais, Scar , Ex and X raised theirs.

"That's better. Luckily I have 3 triggers. Sooooo- X, Doc, and Stress." Grian gave them the triggers while the others wanted to protest, watchers could be heard from afar.

" (Get them!)"

" Uhhhhhhhhhh- now?"

" (Over here!)"

The building blew up like fireworks! The island shook a bit .

All they could hear was the explosion and maniac laughter.

Who's? They turned around to see Grian, X and Ex laughing.

On Hermitcraft................

" Guys. They left to get Bdubs and Stress from the watchers." Impuls said.

" Oh yeah! They did."

" So get up and why is there gravestones with the hermits names appart Grian's ?" Impuls asked.

" I don't know how to spell his nameeeeee" Zedaph cried.

*Basically calmer chaos.

Back with the others.

They were running away from the watchers some were flying some were being carried and had guns. They kept shooting at the watchers to kill them bc they basically killed the high commander.

"Hahaha! Eat shit and die !" Doc yelled at the enemy.

Them 15 then got on Hermitcraft after the ones who were chasing them died.

"I have no idea on how we're still alive !" Pearl spoke

"I makes no sense !" Bdubs agreed.

They laughed. The other hermits saw on comms their arrival and got to spwan point.

"Ex. Is here do guys even see him!?" Impuls exclaimed.

" We know xe's here all of us went and got them 5 from the holding cell. " Xisuma said on the ground.

All five of them smiling and laughing from before.

" Okay- so this is PearlMoon and this is MartinWoods. Also known as Grian's birds." Stress said.






The end

Short I know but might do another part.


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