chapter 4

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" Ah hello hermit. And miss Moon. Plus quit calling me that." Zaharia replied.

"Alright then. "

"Why do the both of them hate each other?" Martin whispered to Pearl.

"No idea. ... Hey Zach ?" Pearl said.

" Yeah?"

"What happened?" Pearl asked.

".... I almost destroyed Hermitcraft s5 and G-mum's on HC s6 btw. And as for why I'm here. I kinda blew up multiple watcher towers on different severs," he replied.

"Okay wow. Uh. Dose mum even know we been kidnapped?" Asked Martin.

Crown came back dragging an injured unconscious person. She threw her in and left.

"Stress!" Bubbles exclaimed and ran to her.

" Okay that's an other hermit. Stressmonster101," Ex introduced the sleeping? hermit.

"She's injured. Martin ?" Pearl looked at his sever brother.

" Alright. B let me help. I'm not chained up,"

Bdubs let Martin heal Stress up with the amount of magic and medical knowledge he had left.

Hours later. .... . . . . . . .

With the other hermits.

"Now how do we get them back ?" Cub asked.

Lots of hermits are afraid of the watchers. But some stayed to get the kidnapped ones back. They are Cub, Xisuma, Doc, Iskall, (for some reason) Keralis, Scar, Grian, False and even when they're afraid of them, Mumbo & Joe joined in.

"We go to the end," Grian replied.

" Uh G. we can't really breath the end air. Appart some of us, " Joe said nervously.

" Magic? " Scar asked excited.

" Apparently yes. But it needs to last a full 5 hour flight, then to find them, get out and if needed to fight a few of them then the flight back. I don't think the 3 of us can last that long. Unless your Ethos, or higher than a 1st tier or your an Elphich," X explained.

"I've been there a bunch, I know shortcuts and where exactly they keep them," Grian said.

"Grian... ?" Mumbo started.

" Plus the three of you aren't the only magic users here," Grian stated. "And brother might help us too if I can convince him."

"Made too much pranks on him he might not believe you? Plus who's the other?" False asked.

" One no ... It's mostly beacouse i disappeared for a number of time and two. That's me," he answered to both questions.

The rest of the hermits now wondering what happened between the watchers and Grian for him to know the hole place .. . . .

'Mumbo knows something. That's for sure.' Doc though the same thoughts as Iskall.

"Grian are you sure you want to go back there ?" Mumbo broke the silence.

"Yes," Grian answered.

" Even when they did.. you know. That?" Mumbo asked, making sure that Grian's okay with actually going there.

"Yes Mumbo. I'll be fine. Plus Zach's there," Grian replied with a smile.

The hermits proceeded to follow Grian.

They left the sever, X put Tango in charge.

Grian told them that they need to go through the Mainworld, to the Original End, to the Elphich kingdom. Once they got there there were two guards at the gate entrance.

"Who is there to pass ?"

" Who wish to suffer?"

"Who- " "Stop right there. They have premission, lieutenant," Grian interrupted the guards.

"Apologizes, Head. You lot can enter now."

"Shall I inform the king ? "

" Yes oh and tell him we need to speak to him."

" Yes Head."

" Have a nice walk, Head."

The hermits followed Grian throughout the way to the castle and in the thrown room.

" Charles."

"King Niso."

" What is you need to talk about?"

" Watchers basically. They took 3 birds and two hermits of there's," Grian answered the king's question.

The hermits who came along just stare in suprise at Grian and what's around them.

Mumbo was used to it and Xisuma came here before Ethos got Exiled and with main admin Charles.

But he wonders 'Who the Fuck is Grian?'

" I see. Welp even if i said no you'll disobey my orders and still be the Head Guard, so go ahead. I can't stop you," the king said.

"Thanks mate see ya next time!" Grian thanked him and left dragging the hermits behind him with X and Mumbo.

A sigh came from the king. " And i hope it's soon." He said last.

The hermits continued there quest on getting there hermits back.


With the prisoners.

"Soo what are you exactly ?" Pearl asked.

" Uh I'm a listener. And an elf/moss hybrid. Why?" Bubbles replied.

"Martin it's the man's brother you talked about!" Pearl told her 'brother'.

"And what are the both of you then?" Bdubs asked.

" I'm a runaway Watcher, dove hybrid. "

"And I'm a listener as well. Oh and a dimensional traveler. "

"Oh.... "

" Hey Zach how long till mum gets here?"

"I don't know. An hour ? Two or three? Depends on the way Xel gets here, i guess, " Ex replied.

" Bdubs, if i may ask what is Stress? " Martin asked.

"She's also a watcher. Like Pearl. Uh other than that she comes from the old ice kingdom," he replied.

"So 3 watchers and 2 litseners in the same cell. What are they planning?"

They hear movement. Stress woke up.

"B. Bdubs ?" She asked.

"Yeah it's me. Btw were in a cell with 3 other people,' he replied.

"Mhmm. We need to get out of here... "

" We know. Mum is on his way here, " Pearl said.

" Like right now. Not in 1 hour. Unless you want to be puppets and dead." The medic said.

" All we know is that Grian and some hermits are on there way. And will be in this building in 10 minutes. And yes I got an update," Zaharia said "though you alright professor ?"

"Yes I'll be okay Zach. Keep us updated on their situation. Okay?" She replied.

Zacharia nodded in response hoping he can get some sort of message to Xel.

- Kriss

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