Chapter 22: Fuyuko's Blacksmith

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The stillness of the wide lake reflected the  bright blue sky like a vast mirror laid upon the green grass of the summer season. Surrounding the clear water, is a grass field full of wild flowers and stones, accompanied by small and large trees.

In one particular tree, an old man sat above the soft sea of grass and below the spread of leaves that provided him shade from the radiating sun. He rest his back on the tree's trunk, then placed a wrapped box and a katana enfold with a sky-blue fabric on the space beside him.

Moments later, appeared a woman wearing a white haori adorned with red and arctic blue crystal flowers showered beneath the falling snow of winter, she came behind the tree and stopped next to the sitting old man.

He immediately notice the white haired woman and he lifted his hyottoko mask just above his mouth to show her a big smile before greeting her.

"What a nice weather we have, Kazahana-sama?" He beamed. "I apologize if I can't call you with your new family name, I am not quite familiar who your husband."

"It's alright. " Fuyuko replied.

"The crow said you married the Flame Hashira, I knew of his reputation but not his identity, I didn't bother to memorize all the different Hashira's name of this generation because I know I'll just forget them. This old man is very forgetful." He explained. "By the way, congratulation on your promotion, kid. You achieved an excellent feet."

"Thank you. And how is your condition?"

"What condition?" He asked. "I'm perfectly healthy. Although, the booze got a little out of hand the other night. Haha that was a good party."

"You lied in your letter." Fuyuko stated. "So as the drinking part."

"I really can't lie to you can I?" He grinned. "Guess that damn crow told you, even though I told him not to."


"You are cold and apathetic in appearance, Kazahana-sama, but I have worked with you long enough to know who you really are." The old man said. "Behind that stoic expression of yours is a caring lady to those who are close to you. There is no point worrying you with this old man's problems."

Aside from Oyakata-sama, Yamamoto Hikaru is one of the man whom she is acquainted with when she joined the Demon Slayer Corps. He have been her blacksmith ever since, and his talkative, caring, and friendly demeanor immediately broke the ice between them. Although, Fuyuko didn't fully open up to him, he is one of the very few people who she grew to care.

"You should rest more." Fuyuko said.

"Well, unfortunately, that will happen soon." sighed. "I can't even properly lift a hammer anymore. It is either to heavy or shaking whenever I try. My hands have failed me now but not before I finished your new katana."

He then took the sword from his side and handed it to Fuyuko.

"I never thought that there would come a day that you would broke your sword. For years, you just managed to chipped your blade and I would quickly repair and sharpen it. Nevertheless, this sword of yours is the last and the best work I had ever made in my life."

"I poured my heart and soul into making it with more effort and power compared to the last one. So take good care of it, kid."

Fuyuko unfolded the sky-blue fabric that encase the sword, revealing a pure white katana, adorned with a red string wrapped around the sheat, decorative knots dangling in the hilt, and the unchanged silver snowflake as its cross-guard.

She then pulled the sword from its case, the silver blade glinted as soon as it made contact with the small ray of sunlight peeking out of the leaves. Within a second, the shiny metallic color of the katana faded into white frost.

"Embers of Love" Demon Slayer Fanfic: Kyojuro Rengoku x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now