Chapter 17: Fate Entwined Love

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Shinjuro click his tongue in annoyance as he continued to glare at the couple. He knows he couldn't argue with his son, and most of all, he doesn't really give a damn about the bootless rivalry that he found utterly foolish. Though, he needs to confirm something.

He then looked at straight towards Fuyuko, and the girl stared back at him with emotionless eyes.

"You..." Shinjuro remarked while pointing his finger at Fuyuko. "You're that's bastard's daughter, aren't you?"

"If you are referring to Kazahana Yuretsu," she replied. "Yes."

Shinjuro then scoffed as he shifted his position to looked at the garden, turning his back to the couple once again while grabbing another bottle of alcohol beside him.

Their was a moment of uncomfortable silence, none of them spoke a word, until Kyojuro's father finally uttered his decision.

"Do whatever you want." He grumble after a gulping a mouthful of alcohol. "I don't give a damn care."

With his reply, the couple exited the room and was met with Senjuro, he overheard everything and was worried.

"That didn't go well..." The boy commented, anxious.

Kyojuro then placed his hand in Senjuro's head and gently ruffled his unruly bright hair.

"Don't worry about it." Kyojuro reassured the worried boy with a smile.

Senjuro felt relieved and smiled back to his brother. After feeling consoled, he then excused himself because he still have chores to do.

"I'm sorry, it didn't go well." Kyojuro apologized. "You must have been uncomfortable."

He spoke softly with a hint of worry in his voice. His head is slightly bowed down as he continued to stare at the wooden floor.

Even though his eyes are still as lively as ever, Fuyuko didn't fail to notice the glimpse of sadness that pooled in Kyojuro's red irises like a grey gem, shrouded by the optimism of his spirited gaze.

Their was a moment of silence as Fuyuko contemplated of what should she do. She is not really the comforting type - she haven't comforted anyone in her life nor did she even think about comforting someone.

Now here she is thinking of ways to try and comfort  her husband. It's not like she doesn't care, she just don't now how. And she never thought about it until now.

Based on her observation, Kyojuro ruffled Senjuro's hair to reassure him, but considering their height difference, where Kyojuro is taller than her, that would be pretty much awkward.

Imagining it only made Fuyuko uncomfortable, so she immediately discarded the idea. Instead, she settled on something that she hoped to go well.

Moving in front of Kyojuro, she gently place her fingers underneath his chin and raised his head. She then looked at straight in his mesmerizing red eyes as she cupped his cheek.

"Don't apologize on something you can't control." She stated. "Raise your head and smile like you always do, Kyojuro."

At this point, the flame pillar then smiled brightly, her words of encouragement made his day. He could feel his heart flutter in his chest knowing that she cared for him.

In return, Kyojuro held his wife's hand that cupped his cheek, holding it firmly in his while still gazing at her features that he found attractive.

"Thank you... Fuyuko." He leaned closer and swiftly planted a kiss on Fuyuko's forehead.

"Embers of Love" Demon Slayer Fanfic: Kyojuro Rengoku x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now