Chapter 16: My Wife

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After making up for lost times in their  peaceful sanctuary, the couple resumed their travel and arrived at the Rengoku Household. Kyojuro lead Fuyuko inside and the very first one who greeted them is a boy, that Fuyuko assumed to be Kyojuro's brother.

The boy posses the same unruly yellow hair with red tips like Kyojuro's, and the same golden-red eyes akin to flames.

The boy smiled upon seeing his brother as he yelled:

"Onii-san!" He quickly approached them.

"Senjuro!" Kyojuro beamed.

However, as Senjuro got closer, he finally noticed Fuyuko behind his brother and his happy smile slowly vanished as his expression became worried.

"So what Kaname said was true." He stated, as if asking for confirmation.

Kyojuro's smile never faltered as he nodded to his younger brother.

The boy don't disapproved his brother's marriage nor did he dislike the ice hashira. He was only worried of what will his father's reaction after telling him that his eldest son married a girl from their rivaling clan.

Even though he wasn't able to witness their rivalry, Senjuro was able to know through their ancestral books that have been passed down for generations.

He read that the history of rivalry and hate between the Kazahana and the Rengoku clans were intense in the past but the Rengoku clan slowly lost interest as the Kazahana clan showed no progress of exceeding the family of flames.

However, as long as two clans exist without a truce, rivalry is still present and he could only imagine his drunk father throwing a fit of rage.

"Fuyuko, this is Senjuro, my little brother!"

Kyojuro enthusiastically introduce as he rested his palm in the boy's shoulder.

The white-haired girl simply nodded as she stared at the boy.

"Uh... It's n-nice finally meeting you." The boy nervously stuttered as his sweat dropped.

An awkward silence then filled the atmosphere after Senjuro's reply.

"Where's father?" Kyojuro suddenly asked, breaking the short yet uncomfortable silence.

"His in his room, drinking as always." Senjuro replied a hints of sadness in his tone, as he looked up to his brother.

"A-are you sure about this, onii-san?" the boy reluctantly asked. "I fear that father will be furious."

"Don't worry." Kyojuro assured as he ruffled the boy's bright hair.

Though, deep inside, Kyojuro is nervous but he must think positively and hope for the best. His father may reject Fuyuko, even so, Kyojuro will still honor their marriage without his blessing.

With his brother's assurance, Senjuro can't help but smile and also hope for the best outcome.

"Let's go, Fuyuko." Kyojuro turned to her.

Fuyuko nodded and resumed following her husband to the long hallway, halting in front of a sliding door that Fuyuko assumed where the head of the Rengoku household reside.

"Father?" Kyojuro softly knocked on the door.

Upon hearing no reply from the other side, Kyojuro then grabbed the door.

"I'm coming in." He stated as he slowly slid the door open.

The room was spacious with open doors in the opposite side, overlooking the green garden of the estate.

"Embers of Love" Demon Slayer Fanfic: Kyojuro Rengoku x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now