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Tae's POV :

I was walking down the road. On my way to my café. Honestly i listened to jimin's advice and removed my mask. The stares i am getting right now is actually crazy. Am i that ugly?

Thinking this again and again
I reached my Café.

"Good morning-  Tae??" Sarah Asked

"Uhm yup... Good morning" I replied shyly. Sarah is one of the workers here. Also my good friend. She is just soo sweet. 4 years older than me and have a husband.

"Stop it!! You are incredibly beautiful" Sarah said happily.

That made me so happy. Getting a compliment from a beautiful girl herself.

"Thanks Sarah... " I replied.

"No but actually why did you hide that beautiful face of yours. You are ethereal"

Oh stop! I know i showed my face for the first time but i can't come with an excuse

"Boys? *nervous giggle* I've always been scared. I don't really think I'm that pretty"

"You are!! Believe me! " Sarah

"Ok ok *laugh* Thanks. Now let's do thr Work"

I started cleaning the tables and going into the kitchen. At 8:00 Am the café opened and some customers started walking in. It wasn't a famous café so only regular customers come here. I am happy with my work. It gives me a decent amount of salary.

I went to take a regular customer order. Whom i knew dearly.

"Hey Kasha! Good morning! What would you like? " I asked looking at her.

She looked up at me and stoped for a moment.

She then again started to read the menu and said.

"A chocolate shake with a pastry." She says.

"Btw did Taehyung didn't come today? He normaly takes my order" Kasha

"I am Taehyung Kasha" I said Hoping to not get a tantrum.

"WHAT? Bro i thought this was somone else. You have completely changed. You are ethereal" She says looking at me from up till down.

"Thanks Kasha"

Seoul//3:20 Pm

The sky was covered in black clouds. I looked outside the window. It was a nice weather but i saw people running around in the rain. Poor people finding a shelter. I saw a girl outside our café drenched in rain. I opened the gate and asked her to come inside. By her smile i knew i did a great thing.

Maybe God Will Get
Happy from my deed.

"Oh little angel.. Are you cold? " Sarah asked.

She was shivering because normally in December it's like a 4° C outside.

I took her at the back of the kitchen. Gave her a cloth to cover herself and the workers adored her. Made her a hot choco to calm her down.

Just then i saw a rich and old couple walking in our café. They looked rich from clothing. The man had a bodyguard with him also holding an umbrella. Strange. People like this don't like to come in our café.

𝓐𝓻𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓰𝓮 // 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓕𝓯Where stories live. Discover now