Chapter 16- Back in Time

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After you guys stopped Dancing the Other Pirates went and started drink but you didn't drink you just can't forgot the fact that you just unlocked Peter Pan Secret. You went into your Room and started Crying and Sat at the Floor and You wishing that you didn't say the Things and His Secret that I found out by Saying Nonsense but your huge Reject of Saying is that you truly never Love and Miss him, You started having a Break down and I didn't Sleep at all that Night I just think what if I can Turn back the Time.

You stood up and then it hit you , You have the Power of Time , You wiped your Tears away and you realizing that going back in time is Dangerous and you Can't Help but to think of the consequence that will happen if you go Back in Time , You didn't Care at All as you started to Levitating and you went back in the Time where you haven't went on to the Deal Place . A light Flashes

*you were back in Time

Your Past Y/N disappear , You were already there at the Top/Where the Steering area is and Hook demand you to Go with him to the to Deal as you did what he said, You took a Gun and You Mr. Smee , And Captain Hook were off on the North and You Arrive there with all the Lost Boys and Girls Looking at You and Point there Bows and Swords at You.

You saw Pan in the Crowd and you went off the Tiny Boat , You Took your Gun and Hold it . You saw Pan walking out of the Crowd he went to Hook and said, Give me Back Y/N and You'll be Free from this Land, You looked at Peter with a Confusion on your Face and Hook laughed and Looked at Peter with a Serious Face saying , Really. , in a Confusion and Confidence tone and continue on what he saying, I shall not accept that Deal of yours Pan , Y/N is Already Mine- , You pointed the Gun at Him and said, Hook if your ever think that I'm yours , I'm Sorry but Pan got me First . Peter Looked at you and he grinned at you, You winked at Him and Looked At Hook,If you Kidnap me again Hook Trust me I will kill you,Hook didn't say anything . Mr. Smee looked at me like I was  Crazy, But I was Crazy for him. Hook putted Up his arm and said, Your free now Y/N , You looked at Hook Suprised and you lower down your Gun .

You looked at Peter and Hugged him as He hugged you back.

You Pulled away and Turn to Hook and said , Thank you Hook , You walked away and Peter and the Lost Boys& Girls Followed you. Peter went at your Side and He Teleports us Back to Camp . Peter again showed you your New Room, It was Filled with amazing Stuff it got Bookshelf with alot of Books,  and a Huge Map of Neverland, Peter said, Welcome back , He smiled and You said,Thank you Peter, You smiled back at Him.

Peter Left you alone and You just went into your Bed and

your Mind is Thinking, If I had been on Pan's Side I wouldn't reveal his Secret but If I was on Hook's Side I would Probably be Much Better . It Hit you , I should be better off to Hook's but I don't like drinking Alcohol. In Peter there is full with Danger and You will Probably die but I wouldn't die Your Immortal .

*Authors Pov

Y/N started Levitate and Everyone went into Room, The Ground started to shake and Everyone Looked at You and Kayla Shouted, Y/N!!! Calm down your safe now. As Y/N realized that she was about to die from her consequence  of Going Back in Time But she couldn't Stop it from her Floating and Breaking The Roof. Y/n continue to Float up in the sky .

Y/N was up High in there and Suddenly a Huge Explosion and A Flash came . Everyone Fell on the Floor , Peter saw Y/N falling from the Sky as He Rushed and Fly Trying to Save her , As Peter Caught her , Peter Realized Y/N was Died as He landed on the Ground and Everyone surrounded Y/N , Kayla quickly did the CPR , Checked her Paluse , But She died. Everyone Cried .

Peter took Y/N to a Place where there was a Huge Hour Glass. Peter Took out Y/N's Heart and Putted into His, Peter was finally Immortal, Peter Looked at Y/N as Her Body was Vanishing into dust. Peter Cried and Took out his Heart, He Broke it in Half and Putted Inside of Y/N , He was Praying that you would be Alive But Y/N  didn't . Peter Took you back to the Camp and said to the Lost Boys, Burry Her, As Her Brothers went and Cried to Y/N as There Tears In Y/N shirt.

The Lost boys burried Y/N in the Camp area as Everyone Cried there Hearts out. Peter was Crying in his Room saying, I wish i could say One Last Thing to Y/N. Felix Came into Peter's Room , As Felix Patted Pan in the Back , Peter Looked at Felix and said, I'm just a Problem now. Felix said, Pan Y/N knew there would be consequence of her Action but You didn't know is that Y/N went back in Time she did this just to be with you again , Y/N told me that she saw a Vision that She was Captured and You and Hook made a Deal , But She Took Hook's Side and Now She Went back in time at That moment were you and Hook made a Deal and she saw That she was gonna die, But she Traveled anyways Just to Be with you. Peter Cried again and said, This Is All My Fault. Felix said, It's not- , Peter snapped, Get out of my Room! , As Felix went out of His room .


-1032 Words

Sorry of its quite a Short Chapter

But in Book 2 it gonna be alot of Words




July 11 , 2023

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