Chapter 12 - Mermaids

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Peter kept staring at you and every time you would look at him  , He would look away .  You Talked to Felix about it and he said, It's just he was you talking to Skylar and I think his Jealous ,  You think he's Jealous ? , You said it Sarcastically  , He laughed and you went away to talk Peter on the shore  and He said, What you and Felix talking about??, Are you jealous Peter??, You said while looking at him, He looked back and said, Yeah.., You smiled and lay you head on his shoulder and said, You don't have to be Jealous Because I'm all yours ,He hold your Thigh and  he rubbed his hand on your thigh and you blushed and he said, I know your all mine  , You raised from Peter Shoulder and smiled , He looked at you and he said, Love I'm  just a problem  of you , You looked at Him and you said, Oh Peter Your not the Problem , As  You went and  and sat on his land and he hold your face and He Kissed you ,  You kissed him back .

* Lost Girls & Boys POV

Kayla Whispered to Felix , Y/N and Pan is Kissing , Felix looked at them and saw he's eyes were widen and he said, Oh shi- I need to wash my eyes , As Kayla Laughed and All lost Girls & Boys saw Y/n and Pan kissing  , And All the Lost Boys said,"My god" " I need to wash my eyes" "  " AHHHH!!!!!!!!!" "That's my sister !" , While The Lost Girls laughed at the Lost Boys and  Sky shouted , Ouiii!!! Y/N and Pan We're still here you know?! , As All of them Laughed and Y /N  and Pan Looked at Us .  They Countine to Kiss , Kayla said, Who wanna Bet that they will Break up , As  Devin, Felix , Sky, Nibs raised there hand ,  Felix said  to Kayla , What do you think there Break will be , Sky said , Betting there Break up will be something stupid, Everyone raised hands , Kayla shouted , Y/N!!!!! We still need to go Somewhere , Devin said, Where you guys going? , Sky said, None of your Business , As Sky took  her sword and put it on his throat , 

The lost Girls took Sky away , Kayla said, Sorry Devin she has Trust issues , Devin said,  It's okay , Kayla looked at Y/N and Pan still making out and said, When will they stop making out , I don't even know  it been like  40 mintues , Skylar said, As Felix jumped in the Water and The Lost Boys Followed , While The Lost Girls  put towels on there hips and they talked ,  As Kayla said , Guysss There done making out now  , Nibs said,That's a Good thing  ,The Lost Boys got out of the Water and they changed there clothes in a private area , 

* Y/N POV 

 I went to the Lost girls and said, You guys ready go to Mermaid Lagoon , All the Lost Girl said, Yes  . You guys started walking and you saw the Lost Boys Following, You guys were at The Mermaid Lagoon and you saw there was Girl with Black hair and You and The Lost girls went closer to her , and She saw you guys  and she started running as You guys ran and caught up with her , You guys surrounded her and  you took out your Bows and Swords ,

She went on her knee's and said, Please don't hurt me I was taken by a Shadow and -, You cut her off and you said, You're fine , You guys putted down your bow and swords and You helped her up,  What's your name , You said while looking at her, She said, My name is  Asher, She looked you in the eyes and she said, Y/N ?! , You're eyes widen and said, Asher!, You guys hugged , Sky said, You know each other???, You pulled away and looked at Sky and said, Yes we have been best friends since 2 grade , Asher said.  When we're grade 9 we lost contact because of her step-father, As Sky  said, Ohhh, As You looked at Asher and she smiled and you said, Welcome to Neverland , Asher said, Thank you , As she hugged you and she whispered in your ear, I been so worried about you, You hugged her back and you felt tears running down your cheek ,She pulled away and wipe them you smiled at her , Then you showed were was Mermaid Lagoon. You and Asher Talked and How your the Commander/Leader and there are warnings , You guys sat down and watched the Lost girls and Boys talking to the Mermaids and You saw Peter ,Asher said, Y/N who's that Guy that has a lot of mermaids talking to him, You said, That's Peter - Peter Pan , 

You stared at him and Asher said, Is he your Boyfriend????, You looked at her and said, No he's not my Boyfriend  , Really if he's not your boyfriend how come you kept staring at him with your in-love eyes , Asher said which caused you to laugh and said, I don't know maybe I am  really in-loved with him, Y/n don't say really you actually in love with him  , I can see it your eyes , Asher said, You smiled and looked at Peter who was talking to the Mermaids,  You looked down and said, How can I stop falling in love , Asher put her hand on your shoulder and Looked at you , Y/N you cannot stop that feeling because your in love you can only stop it and when he hurts your heart,  Y/N put her head on Asher shoulder and said, I guess your right  , 

-1000 words 


Sorry for Short Chapter I have been running out of ideas 

July 7 , 2023 

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