Chapter 6- Time 2

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Its alright no need worry, As Devin made a little smile on his face and you hugged him and you pulled away and said, Is there any place to take a Bath? , As Devin said, Oh I don't know but Curly knows and Curly is at his room just knock on the door, I smiled and said , Thank you, As you knocked on Curly room as he went out and said, You need my help ? , I said, Yes, He grabbed me and we went into his room which was full of The Never lands Map and The places, He said, Now what can i help you??, I said, a place to take a Bath, As He said, Oh I recommend this area, As He show me a Sketch and I nodded and I said, Where is this area at?, He said, Follow me , As He took out his Bow and Arrow and we walked out of Camp and he gave me Towel and I questioned , Where did you this towel from?  As answered by saying Pan goes visit realms and steal , As we walked and he turned away as I only wear a Bra and my Shorts , You dived in and Curly said, Well I'm off now,  As you saw and saw Peter and you swam away but he jumped in ,

As you feel someone holding you leg and you went down and You swam up and saw Peter as he says , Sorry Love  , As you rolled your eyes and he splash water to you and said, Mood killer, As you looked at him and said, I'm not a Mood killer but in that case if your saying that you're the mood killer , As you splashed back and you guys splashed each other like babies as you tried to swam away 

*POV the Lost Boys 

As Felix said, Where's Pan ??,  They all panicked because Pan didn't come back on his casual time ,As Everyone looked to the hole place on Neverland until they went into one of the river's that Y/N went to , As they saw you and Pan having fun and Devin said, Oh my should we leave them, John said, NO let's join them , John tooked off his shirt and swim as the other lost boys joined and Skylar was left there taking care of his Y/n brother and his as Felix shouted, Come join Skylar!!!!, As Skylar let his brother and Y/n brother not to go on the deep end and Skylar took of his shirt , As he swam and they were having alot of fun, As they played alot of games ,

*Back again in Y/N Pov

As I saw that it was almost sunset so I rushed and quickly put on my shirt  as I left a Towel as I saw the boys were also leaving as I quickly went back to camp and through my room and I changed as I went to the Beach and found Tink as Tink said, Y/n!!, Tink was waving as you waved back and you went and sat down and Tink said, About the camp as they want to separate Boys and Girls,I looked at her and said, What about my Brother's tink??? What will they do when they don't have me ?? As tink said,They will be fine but your already taught everything and  you guys already had you camp ready, As you said, Okayy  I will certainly approve to this , And tink was so Happy as she said, You have to Train the Lost girls to Hunt and Make the Materials  and You only have  1 week left , As I nodded as Tink left i saw the sun setting as it was magical 

As it was getting dark so you stood up and realize that there was sand that shows a Neon color as it was beautiful 

(Idkk But if you know comment)

But you can't stay as you went back to camp, You went in your room and started packing your things as Devin walked in and shouted for everyone to hear, Y/N is Leaving!!!!, As every lost boy was at your Door  and saying stuff like, "Please don't leave ","Please Stay Y/N!" , "DON'T LEAVE WHO'S GONNA TELL US STORIES ", I said, I'm sorry guys but i have to leave  but i bet someone is gonna tell better stories than i am " You made a little smile and started taking your stuff and putted them in a Bag , As the Lost Boys kept shouting saying , "Y/N COME ON DON'T LEAVE  " WE NEED YOU Y/N" "PLEASE Y/N" , As you said while putting your stuff in a Bag that came from The Ship of Hook , I'm sorry but please take care of Brother's sinve i won't be able to take care of them anymore, As you putted your things next to your bed and said, I can tell you guys one more story , As everyone went inside and They sat down on the floor and Other sat down beside you, 

Everyone shouted , "STORYY, STORY" as you said, Shhh! Silence,  Is everyone ready ?, As they all nodded , You sighed and said,

"Once upon a Time....


-882 words

Sorry if so short its currently 12:00 am and its Tuesday July 3

Published : July 3 , 2023 

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