Chapter 3 - Training 🏹

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*Y/N Pov

I went to Bucky as we went to a archery place

(btw Y/N  dressed Nice Okay , Y/N wearing a Tank Top that is Green and A Leather Jacket with Pants )

Bucky gave a Bow and Arrow and said , You have to shoot on the Bull's Eye , As You Nodded and Hold The Bow with your Full force and you tried to Concentrate as Bucky then said, Just Release alittle while your Holding the Bow , As you Nodded and He said, Shoot! , You shoot at the Second Circle and Bucky Looked at you Impressed  , "No lost Boy can ever shoot near the Bull's Eye" As you looked at Him with a Smile and said , "Welp " And Went and took more arrows and try shooting on a Bull's eye as You kept Trying and Almost hitted it. As you looked at Bucky and his Wide  and said, " This is my first time seeing someone who is determined " , As you playfully rolled your eyes

You took an another and it finally shot  and You Dropped your Bow and Arrow and Hugged Bucky as you guys jumped around.

(forgot to add, That pan said, Your Training with Bucky as he is the Best apart from me though)

You heard a Voice behind saying, "Well , That's was a Great Show " As you pulled away and Turned around and saw Peter Standing on a Branch of a Tree,

As I chuckled and said, Thank you , As another voice  from behind said , Have you guys seen Devin ?? ,as you looked behind and said, Nope I have been the hole time , As Felix said, Oh okay,  As Felix was walking back to Back and then you picked up your Bow and Arrow and It flying and it was in front of the Feet of Felix as He turned around and said, You almost killed me , As he Bent down and Took of the arrow and ,

I smiled and He walked away and Bucky looked at you , Wow  that was so something, As He took out an Apple from his Pocket and Eat it , Welp He actually deserve  it, You said, Bucky looked at you

(this wasn't added because I was tired)
As You it was that first night that you had It was Pouring Rain and Windy as Felix went in your room and Tried to have Sex with you as you kicked him his Balls  as He Left*

As you forgot that Peter was still there, And He went down from the Tree and Whispered, I'm gonna kill him , As I said , Pan don't , As He looked at me and raised his one eyebrow at  me  , Bucky quickly left.

As You and Peter had Stared into each other's . Peter went up to you and being 2 inch away from your face  , What the hell are you doing?!, You said, I don't know what do think I'm doing, and he moved to you by 1 inch and then he kissed you as you pulled him away and rushed to back to the Camp as you saw your Brother's and You hugged them so tight and said,Are you okay Y/N?  , As John said and pulled away from the Hug and  smiled, I'm fine I'm Totally fine, as you said.

As turned around and saw Peter walking into the Camp and you sat down looking at the ground with you hand on your Chin, As you guys made Eye - Contact and he smirked at you

You looked down again as there was someone blocking your way and there index finger lift  your chin up

It was Peter and He smirked at you and said, Why are you sad my love?, As you rolled your eyes and turned to the Other Direction, As He Chuckled , Playing hard get are we well that won't be long, As You looked at him with a Concern and Knowing the Meaning Look. As He Walked away 

Devin sat next to and said, Did Pan just Flirt with you? , I looked Him, I guess , as you said, Devin quickly said,I actually never seen Pan Flirt this the First time , You looked Confused and said, Pan never flirt with Girls before  How About Wendy and Jane ?! , as    Devin looked Suprised and said, You know about Wendy and Jane?!  I nodded and He Just looked me and said, Welp He flirt alittle with Wendy but You Y/N I never saw him give that much of a Flirt, As I said, I'm surprised he knows how to flirt  , As Devin looked at The fire, Care to dance? , As i smiled and said, Sorry I don't know how to dance, As He stood up and offer me his hand and said,Welp okay suit yourself, As he started dancing around the Camp Fire .


Short Chapter Sorry but I'm actually gonna make like the Next Chapter all about Peter and you Don't what I am about right , So please be Ready HEHE


Published : July 2 , 2023

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