Chapter 4-Jealousy , Jealousy

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                                                 (Olivia Rodrigo Song )                                               (This is Peter's Pan Hole Chapter )

 I was staring at Y/N seeing her talk to Devin and she was Smiling, I felt something inside my heart like it was Anger  and Jealousy as  I was about to walked up  but Felix stopped me and said, Pan are you in-love??,As I looked at him and scoffed , I'm not in-love , That just grown up , Felix put his hood up and said," Well if you say so", As I rolled my eyes and  went into my room and I lay on my bed , I'm  I actually in-love? , I questioned my self and put my Pillow over my face and I realized that I'm actually In-love , Oh my I'm a idiot , I slammed the Pillow in my face as I put my pillow beside me and whispered , Why"  I am just  a Problem that can never be solved ", As I looked at ceiling  and I eventually fall asleep



 I woke up and I decide that I'm gonna ignore her , I raised from my Bed and I opened my door and saw Y/n wasn't there  as I looked everywhere for her as Felix went to me while I was at the Archery Station ,As Felix said, Pan ... , Felix gulped and I looked at him and said, What happened?? , Felix said, Y/n has been kidnapped ........, As I took out my dagger and said, Y/N has been Kidnapped by who???,

Felix said, By Captain Hook, I froze and I whispered , Why didn't I protect her , As Felix said,Hook also said  that you can't go in because Hook put in a Shield where you can't go in and Y/N got kidnapped Last night when were all about to go to sleep,Felix left

I felt my heart breaking into almost a Thousand Pieces .. I Sat there and my hands were on My hand , That why didn't I didn't Protect her  as Tink came and sat down next and said, I'm sorry Pet-Pan I can't do anything, As I looked at Tink and Said, What do mean ???? ,

She looked Back at me and said, Oh ummm... Captain Hook  used up all our Fairy dust , My eyes Widen as I said, Well maybe he didn't took all of it, Tink looked down and said, He did he took every last bit we looked maybe there were was alittle left but he took all, As I looked down and tears fall down my Cheek

*Few Moments Later

I flew to the Beach and Saw Hook he brought Y/N with her tied up , I shouted , HOOK!!! , Y/n and Hook looked up as I landed and I look at Y/N who eyes were red , I looked at Hook and said, Give me Y/N back Hook, As Hook looked at his Hook and said, Want a Deal, I raised my Eyebrow and said, What's the Deal  Killian ? ,Y/N looked at me and Scream but her mouth was covered,

Hook looked at me and said, Your life for Y/n's Life , As my eyes were widen and looked at Y/n as she was shaking her head , I looked back at Hook and said , Or You let go of Y/n and I will let you off this Island, As Hook looked at Smee who was also there and Smee and Looked back at me ,Hook left and I looked at Y/N and Dropped my Dagger Accidentally and Kicked it to Y/N as Y/N looked at me , She Cutted through the Ropes one by one hoping Hook and Smee  wouldn't notice .

Y/n took off the Tape that was in her mouth and shouted at Hook, Fuck you!! , As Hook looked at Y/N then Me as Y/N stood up and Hook quickly ran towards us, As Me and Y/N teleport back to the Camp.

*At Camp

Y/n and I sat down and I said to her, Are you alright??,As Y/N looked at me and said, Yeah I'm Fine, And She looked at her Bruises , I looked Down and said, I'm sorry I should have Protected but my Jealousy.....

Y/n putted her hand on my Shoulder while looking at me, It's alright no need to be Jealous, As I looked at her , I kissed her, She kissed me Back .

My heart felt like it has been stitch ,


I pulled away and She went to her room, As The Lost Boys looked at me and then they all shouted, I though Love was for Grown up's!!!! And they were Litterly freaking out and Felix went to me and said, Pan that's wasn't part of the Plan , As Y/N's brothers looked at me disgusted, John one of Y/N brothers said,If you hurt  my sister I'm going to Kill you, As Micheal nodded and then went Y/n's room

As I Calmed the Lost boys down I could Hear Y/N screaming, As I went and Peeked to her room and saw her Banging her head while John trying his Best to Calm her down as I closed the Door.

I turned around and saw Devin, As I made a Little Jump and said, What are you doing??, As he Looked at me and said, Oh me and Y/n have something to Discuss about,

As Devin went to her Room and I eves dropped and found out the Most Darkest Secret of Y/n.. I stopped and went to my room , I went on my Desk and find a Letter as It was from Tink,As I opened the Letter

(What could Y/N biggest Darkest Secret is,?!)


Dear Peter Pan,

Can you give this or tell Y/n that she needs to be at The Beach at Sunset .


As I went outside and Knocked on her door and I l knocked Y/N said , Come in, As I walked in and Saw Devin,Y/N , her brothers and Nibs and they were laughing as I said, Ummm Y/n.... Tink wants to meet you at The Beach tomorrow at Sunset .As She Nodded and Went back to laughing and I said, Can i join??, As Y/n looked at me and said, Sorry Peter but No.. As i left the Room and saw Felix and Other's were going in her room  , As I eves dropped on what they were saying it Tells to me that they were having a alot of Laughs as I went back to my room and sat at my Bed .

I looked at her window since it was Right next to Mine I saw that they were revealing there every secret as they kept from me .

( i wonder what could there biggest secret be??)

But I heard alot of the Footsteps walking out I closed my Window and I heard a Knock in my door as I went and Opened my door I saw it was Y/n and she hugged me so Tight , I hugged her back, As I looked at her and She looked at me back with eye contact as She pulled away and she left as I was Confused and Closed my door i went to my bed .

I fell asleep


Okay This the End of Peter's Pov WHAHHAHA



Sorry if this a Short  Chapter

Published : July 3 , 2023

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