And Qi Wuxiu wanted to send him to Gu Huaibi's bed before, but now he didn't mention it anymore... An unfamiliar bit his lip, as if he had made up his mind.


"Can I talk to you?"

Gu Huaibi looked at An Stranger who was almost two heads shorter than him, and subconsciously looked at his wife, and nodded after getting approval.

Unfamiliar An glanced at Qi Mu, and suddenly asked, "Are you together? I don't mean any harm, and Qi Mu can come together too."

The three of them went to the rooftop, and An Stranger didn't tell about his rebirth until he saw that there was no one around.

He thought for a long time before deciding to tell the story. After all, he might be treated as a psychopath or arrested for research. Moreover, he knew Gu Huaibi and Qi Mu well, both of them were honest people and he could trust them.

An Stranger Things forgot about her love affair with Gu Huaibi in her previous life, and gave a rough overview of the future.

"You mean, Qi Mu and I will die in the future?" Gu Huai's face turned cold.

Unfamiliar An thought of Gu Huaibi's well-answered questions before, and said unhappily: "Who knows what you thought at the time, you know the operation of avoiding risks, but you ended up dying in a foreign country. But this is not the point, you should pay more attention to it in the future That's it."

His face darkened, "The point is the appearance of Qi Wuxiu."

"I'm pretty sure that I didn't have any contact with him in the last life, but this time, I don't know why he found me."

Unfamiliar An blushed a little, he was really embarrassed to say those words, "I didn't come to school for a month before, but he actually took me away and asked for leave for me."

Qi Mu: "Why did he take you away?"

An Stranger Things: "During the past month, he has been... training me, the purpose is to give me as a present on Gu Huaibi's birthday."

Qi Mu and Gu Huaibi looked at each other, Gu Huaibi was puzzled, "Why did he do that?"

An strangely shook his head, "I don't know either. One thing is strange. He knows that I am reborn, and he can control my body so that I cannot hurt him."

Talking about this Stranger An, he became angry, "He can't beat me at all. Before I was unprepared, he pulled me into the car, and I almost disabled him in the car. If it wasn't for the damn pheromone!"

"Control your body?"

"Yes, he also said that although he can't change the world, he can make some changes to me." Stranger An thought for a while and said, "I don't think he is human."

"He lacks emotional cognition, and it can be said that sometimes he is more like an intelligent AI."

Qi Mu asked him again, "Isn't Qi Wuxiu going to send you to the Huaibi bed, but we smelled very strong pheromones on the second floor that day."

An unfamiliar nodded, "That's me, I don't want to be controlled by others, and I don't want to follow his wish to have a relationship with Gu Huaibi, so I seduced him."

Gu Huaibi: "You succeeded?"

"Well, it's strange to say that after tagging me, he seems to be starting to look like a human being."

The three of them were speechless for a while, and An Stranger said his final thoughts, "Gu Huaibi, can you extract some of your pheromone, I'll spray it on my body, and see how he reacts."

Before leaving, An Stranger said to Gu Huaibi: "When he mentioned you, his eyes were very gentle and kind, just like an elder looking at a junior."

Gu Huaibi was sure that his family had nothing to do with the Qi family, and Qi Wuxiu would never be related to him, let alone his elders.

The husband and wife pondered for a long time on the rooftop, but could not get any clues.

Qi Mu dragged him downstairs, "Let's go, go home and find someone to extract some of your pheromones."

Gu Huaibi scratched his head, "Why does An Stranger want my pheromone?"

"Silly, what would happen to you if I had other alpha pheromones on me?"

Just thinking about it, Gu Huaibi felt so painful that he wanted to kill someone.

"According to a normal alpha, there will definitely be an excited reaction. An alpha has a natural possessive desire for the marked omega. Whether he likes it or not, facing this situation is very intense. Qi Wuxiu had better have mood swings. If No... it really makes people wonder if he is human."

There used to be Zergs invading Alpha’s brain nerves to control Alpha, and the controlled Alpha lived like a normal human being, if it wasn’t for his wife’s unbearable lack of sex life and derailment, and after taking a blocker, he would be infected with information about other Alphas Su returned home, but the controlled alpha still didn't respond, which made the superiors suspicious.

Alpha's possessiveness towards omega is engraved in the genes and cannot be changed or covered up.

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