The network card has been ordered twice, resulting in duplication, everyone, don

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The network card has been ordered twice, resulting in duplication, everyone, don’t buy it, don’t buy it!!!!!!
The network card has been ordered twice, resulting in duplication, everyone, don’t buy it, don’t buy it!!!!!!
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【What the writer wants to say:】

Emmmmm Big Brother Lao Gong will only appear in the next chapter, and it will really appear! Think of a domineering name for him, it may be used in the next story, the next story is abo


Hu Meina sat alone in the car, Gu Huaibi did not get in the car with her, but turned on the car's artificial intelligence control system.

She was sitting in a completely enclosed car, and Gu Huaibi controlled the car on the road through monitoring.

Through monitoring, the three people who were still in the villa also saw the situation on the street. Zombies in twos and threes were walking unsteadily on the street. They heard the sound of cars rushing towards them. Their speed was obviously faster than before. Many, more flexible movements.

Zimu: "They're evolving."

Gu Huaibi frowned, the situation became more and more serious.

"Will we also evolve? For example, have supernatural powers or something?" Gu Huainian began to make various gestures with his hands, hoping to create some thunder and lightning.

Qi Mu looked at Gu Huainian like a fool, and asked Gu Huaibi with his eyes. Gu Huaibi shook his head, saying that he didn't understand his brother either.

Qi Mu: "Brother, don't try it. This should be similar to the virus infection in "Resident Evil". If there are really people with superpowers, they would have stood up."

Gu Huainian thought that those zombies could mutate into ghosts and ghosts in the late period of Resident Evil, and felt a chill in his heart. After the chill, there was boundless fear. His physical fitness is not high, and he has failed sports all the year round. Seconds to slag.

He turned his eyes to his tall and strong younger brother, and said bluntly: "I am your brother, if there are zombies at that time, you have to protect me, you know?"

Gu Huaibi ignored him, and Gu Huainian looked at Qi Mu again, this little boy is effeminate, and he is Gu Huaibi's target. Will really give up on him and save this outsider!

The more Gu Huainian thought about it, the worse he got, and he glared at Qi Mu angrily, "Do you know that there is danger and you need to protect me?"


"Is he really the big brother who loves his younger brother in the magical world? And even An Nian's temper is not like this?" Qi Mu asked the system in his mind.

System: "The soul is the same, but the character of the character will be different due to the influence of the environment."

Gu Huainian's villa is far away from Humena's house, one is in the east of the city and the other is in the west of the city, and there is a bridge to cross on the way.

Hu Meina was terrified in the car for nearly an hour. When she drove to the bridge, she couldn't help crying in despair. She saw that the bridge was blocked by dozens of scrapped cars. There were many accidents and wanted to change cars. Those who left, and at the farthest end, many zombies could be seen crawling along the roof.

At this time, Humena, who was driving over, was like a fat sheep sent to the tiger's mouth. When the living humans saw that she had a car, they turned around and rushed over to snatch it before she had time.

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