The original world of e-sports: the superficially kind milk dog is actually an i

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The original world of e-sports: the superficially kind milk dog is actually an insidious wolf dog attacking the old man who does not love uncle Mu
The original world of e-sports: the superficially kind milk dog is actually an insidious wolf dog attacking the old man who does not love uncle Mu
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【What the writer wants to say:】

I saw someone eating the original world's development, so I thought about writing it. In fact, I personally like this kind of ancient dog-blood plot of chasing wives and crematoriums. I really love it. Don't hate me.


Qi Mu left BSD with infamy. Four years ago, he took 100,000 yuan from his parents to join and participated in the establishment and development of this team. Four years later, he left BSD with a pile of debts.

When packing his luggage, he didn't dare to look at the faces of the team members. He kept thinking about why he agreed to UL's conditions in the first place. Even though Gu Huaibi was so talented, he didn't offend him. He just needs to be a good coach, and Gu Huaibi will naturally lead Give him all the glory.

But now it's too late, he is no longer the triple crown coach admired by thousands of people, because of this scandal, the past glory has become a thing of the past.

His penalty for breach of contract is as high as 20 million, and even if all the previous bonuses are taken out, it is still 10 million short. He dare not tell his parents about this matter. Not so much money as 10 million.

Qi Mu felt a little desperate for a moment, what else could he do now? With only a computer and a few thousand yuan in cash, it will be a problem to eat after renting a house.

After thinking about it, he still decided to secretly be an anchor. Although the alliance removed him, he can still play games, as long as he doesn't appear in the competition.

Just do what he said, he rented a small rental house for 1,000 yuan, and bought a better microphone and voice changer with the remaining money.

I bought the voice changer because I didn’t want others to recognize his voice, and I was afraid that the live broadcast would not work. If he couldn’t live broadcast, he really didn’t know what to do to make money.

Today is Qi Mu's first day of broadcasting, so he is somewhat nervous. Firstly, he seldom plays games and mostly participates in BP. Secondly, he is afraid that the voice changer will malfunction and others will recognize his voice.

His previous account was blocked, so he created a new game account, bought a few popular heroes and started ranking from bronze.

He was already mentally prepared for zero viewers on the first day of the broadcast, but he didn't know if it was because of the early morning hours that dozens of people watched him play the bronze game.

Qi Mu felt that he had gained some confidence. He turned on the microphone to communicate with his teammates. BP spoke clearly and logically. A few people who often watched the game in the bullet screen could tell that his BP was good, so they immediately followed him.

The teammates are all bronze rookies, and now they are happy to have someone command them. They suddenly chose a champion lineup, and they shot two shots at the opposite side. No matter how you look at it, it was Qi Mu's side that won.

But no one thought that Qi Mu's team would actually lose. First, because his teammates were too good, they were all bronze, and there was a mage on the opposite side who was suspected of playing a trumpet to abuse food; Thoughts are conscious and sophisticated but technically 0.

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