The shopping mall collects supplies, the eldest brother's women's clothing is at

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The shopping mall collects supplies, the eldest brother's women's clothing is attacked by zombies, and the hero saves the beauty, a team of four is formed
The shopping mall collects supplies, the eldest brother's women's clothing is attacked by zombies, and the hero saves the beauty, a team of four is formed
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【What the writer wants to say:】

Recently, I have been reviewing and preparing for the final exam of last semester. I will take the exam in the past two days. After the exam, I will update the next chapter and start school. In the future, the update will not be as frequent as before. Let’s see how the brain thinks. Thank you. Keep chasing you guys.

The next chapter is Big Brother getting fucked.

Let me just say: Lin Wubai is younger than Gu Huainian.


After discussing, the three decided to collect supplies first, and then fly from home to the city airport to find fuel.

Before leaving, Gu Huainian was still hesitating. He looked at his younger brother and said, "Why don't I wait for you to come back at home?"

In the original development of the world, Gu Huainian is not only the identity of Huaibi brother, he also has antibodies against the zombie virus, which was discovered by everyone on the way to escape.

Relying on his special physique, Gu Huainian asked the goddess Hu Meina to be with him, but Hu Meina's heart belongs to Gu Huaibi with super high force value.

Someone with a heart wants Gu Huainian to rely on his status as a "national treasure" to deal with Gu Huaibi. He tripped Gu Huaibi again and again, but in the end he caused the team to suffer huge losses. In the end, Gu Huaibi couldn't bear it anymore, broke his brotherhood with him, and handed Gu Huainian to the laboratory as a research subject.

Qi Mu thought to himself: Even if a zombie bites off a piece of your flesh, you can't die with this setting.

Gu Huaibi looked at him sullenly, Gu Huainian pouted and said, "Can't I go?"

They chose to go to the biggest supermarket in the city at 9:00 in the morning. The small supermarket near the villa area was robbed as early as the beginning of the end of the world. Only the big supermarket has sufficient stock and a lot of traffic, so there are also many zombies there after the end of the world. , As a result, no one dared to collect supplies.

The three of Qi Mu could only pray that after that, the zombies would walk out of the supermarket to look for the living.

There are relatively few zombies in the villa area. The rich people ran to other cities immediately after the end of the world. It was much safer for the three of Qi Mu to drive on the road. There were only two or three zombies roaring to rush over, but they were all driven by Gu Huaibi The car hit the ground.

"Come on, they're getting up." Qi Mu turned his head and glanced, and the zombies who were still lying on the ground struggled to get up again and continued to run towards them.

Gu Huaibi stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out quickly. Outside the villa area was a winding mountain curve, and there was no one or zombie on the road.

Gu Huainian said relaxedly: "Maybe the government has already controlled the speed of the spread of the virus, maybe it's not that serious."

Qi Mu shook his head and said, "If that's the case, the government will definitely repair the Internet, inform the public of the news, and stabilize everyone's status."

Gu Huainian frowned: "Can't you think of something better?"

Gu Huaibi: "Don't make noise."

The calm on the road didn't last long, but just after arriving at the foot of the mountain, the intersection leading to the city was already blocked by zombies.

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