The orgasm of the penis is not paid too much attention in this sex, even the master himself is not too concerned, all he can think about is his fucked asshole, and the man on his body kisses generously from time to time.

There is also a little pheromone in the saliva, every time Qi Mu is kissed, he will try his best to swallow the other person's body fluid, Gu Huaibi pushes him away, feeling that his tongue is numb from being sucked, and the omega is really in heat.

Gu Huaibi was thinking while fucking, how compatible is the pheromone between him and Qi Mu? The sweet smell constantly stimulated his brain, and the dick in the hole was so exciting that he was about to go to heaven. Usually, he didn't feel this kind of feeling at all. Is this the pleasure of sex dominated by pheromones?

An ordinary male omega has a genital cavity in the asshole, and behind the genital cavity is a mysterious and precious uterus. Under normal circumstances, an alpha-marked omega is fucked into the genital cavity to form a knot and ejaculate, but Qi Mu’s uterus is in the front female hole, Gu Huaibi After fucking in the back hole for a long time, I didn't find any special passages. On the contrary, Qi Mu had two or three orgasms in the ass.

Qi Mu had already stretched his hand to his crotch, inserted his slender fingers into the female pussy and pumped them passionately, and the sticky water flowed all over his hands. With a sound of "Bo", Gu Huaibi pulled out his dick, slid it down, pulled his fingers away, and the big dick went straight into the female hole.

"Hmmm~~so good~~fuck me, the womb is so itchy and empty~"

"Deeper! Big dick~~ Big dick fucked... oh... great! I want more, big dick fucked my womb~~"

The egg-sized glans was stuffed in the uterus, and it was forced in and out like a pump for pumping water. The originally narrow cervix was loosened, and it was powerless to push the shaft behind it to also come in.

The tender ass was bumped and turned red, Gu Huaibi's own balls hit Qi Mu's buttocks, and when he looked down, he could see that the black and red thick penis was rushing in and out of a pussy that had been fucked to the labia. With hot eyes, he turned the person over.

Qi Mu grabbed the clothes under his body with both hands, his legs were opened, his thick dick pointed straight at his lower abdomen, his two testicles became much smaller due to the squeezed out of a lot of sperm, and the female cunt below him was wide open. The clit is sharp and hard probed. Gu Huaibi saw it, and grabbed it decisively, and saw Qi Mu screaming and crying to climax.

The coquettish cunt was clamped tightly for a moment, and Gu Huaibi couldn't hold back and thrust all the semen into it.

"Huh! It's so cool..." Gu Huaibi pressed against him, the tip of his nose was filled with the sweet osmanthus fragrance of omega, he licked the wound on the back of his neck, thinking about taking another bite.

Qi Mu was forced to switch to an omega, smelled so many aphrodisiacs, was marked immediately after being budded, entered estrus in many cases, Gu Huaibi's pheromones were highly matched with him, and he was also Seduced into a rut.

He still remembered that the two of them hadn't eaten for a long time, and they didn't want to pull out the dick. Instead, they moved the man in the penetrating position, picked up his clothes, and took out two sticks of nutrient solution from inside.

After drinking the nutrient solution, Gu Huaibi carried him a few more times. Taking advantage of the silence, he groped to find the exit of the palace, and carried him back to the spaceship.


"Huh...ah! You! I order you, pull out your stinky dick!"

Qi Mu was going to die of anger, he just woke up yesterday, the memories of those few days in heat flooded in, he couldn't believe it even if he was killed, that bastard who was in the palace and looked like a bitch after heat would be him ! ?

What's worse, he turned into an omega!

One must know that he is a rare top alpha! The alpha who was selected as the school grass for three consecutive years in the academy! As a result, in just a few days, it inexplicably differentiated twice, turning into a soft and coquettish omega! How can he meet people?

And... Gu Huaibi actually marked him when he was unconscious, raped him with his cock, and ejaculated inside! shameless! How shameless!

The first thing he did after waking up was to swing his fist, but the fist was limp and hit Gu Huaibi's chest like flirting. Li, immediately hugged him and fucked him from bottom to top.

Their estrus period is not over yet, but they have already passed the point of losing their minds, so Qi Mu is resisting these two days, Gu Huaibi refuses to listen, and insists on hugging people and doing it again and again.

When the last trace of sticky smell disappeared, Qi Mu finally bid farewell to the estrus period, Gu Huaibi pulled out his dick, and looked at his limp legs covered in liquid, semen continued to flow out from the two holes. He swallowed, "Shall I take you to take a bath?"

Qi Mu supported the bulkhead and said angrily, "No! I can do it myself!"


The school gave them two weeks to explore. As a result, they spent one week familiarizing themselves with the terrain and the other week in obsessive sex. They got nothing from the trip.

Before leaving, Gu Huaibi brought back two bottles of something. Although Qi Mu didn't deal with him, he still asked, "What is this?"

Gu Huaibi: "The gas that put us in heat that day."

Qi Mu: "What is this thing for? It's just an aphrodisiac. There are plenty of them on the black market."

Gu Huaibi: "It should not be a simple aphrodisiac. Your secondary differentiation into an omega, I suspect it has something to do with it."

It was a matter of his gender, and Qi Mu immediately became excited. He took one of the bottles and couldn't help looking at it again and again. Now I have an ordinary steel cylinder in my hand, and that kind of gas is stored in it. What is that? Will make him an omega?

Saying that I don't feel uncomfortable or that I don't care is a lie. Anyone who falls from the top of the food chain will feel bad. And...he touched the back of his neck, he was also marked by Gu Huaibi, now he can't get up to attack Gu Huaibi at all, he even has to be very energetic to suppress his urge to throw himself into Gu Huaibi's arms .

It turns out that an omega is really demanding on its own alpha after being marked. He used to look down on those omega who were abandoned by alphas and then searched for death. Now he knows how uncomfortable it is for him. Injecting pheromone into the back of his neck, and preferably inserting a big dick into his pussy, and shooting a thick sperm in the womb would be even more perfect!

He turned his head with a cold face, Gu Huaibi thought he was still angry with himself, and piloted the spaceship a little sadly. But the person on the co-pilot was just covering up, covering up his body that was flirting quietly.

Qi Mu knew very well that under his clean outer pants, a small piece of the pure cotton underwear was already wet.

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