Chapter 47

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The next few weeks were the worst days of my life. They were full of regret and sadness. The burden on my heart kept on becoming heavier. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. I kept on regretting the moment I left the date without asking him who was she? What was I to him? Why didn't I tell him I like him?

I knew that he went back to Korea and will never return but my heart wasn't ready to accept that. I keep on expecting that maybe it was all a misunderstanding. He will come back for me. Whenever our bell rang, I hoped that it would be Minho who came back for me. I'll come and clear it out that he only loves me. He'll run back to me. My heart keeps on hoping for that day.

Whenever I walked on the street or worked in a cafe I kept on searching faces. I knew this wasn't any drama but maybe he came back for me, maybe he can't live without me and observe me from a distance. Maybe. My life was filled with maybes as My Eyes Always Kept Searching for Him. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months but he never came.

Alex went back after Minho went to Korea. It was me and Emily again. She kept on trying to cheer me up but nothing really worked. I was just existing not really looking forward to anything.  After 2 months of loneliness, sadness, sobbing, and missing an emotionless person, I decided to focus on my career. I tried to keep myself busy with learning Japanese as that is the only thing that can help me build up my career.

One day Emily came to my room and shook me as she jumped with excitement. "Sarah, Congratulations! You are selected!"

I said, "For what?" Wasn't really interested in anything silly right now. It was my time to study Japanese.

I kept on staring at my laptop trying to focus.

She pouted as she didn't get the attention she was looking forward to. She snatched the laptop from my lap and closed it.

"what are you trying to do?" I revolted. She hugged me and repeated, "I said you are selected!!"

I was skeptical as I haven't really applied for anything what is she even trying to say. Maybe while trying to cheer me she totally lost it. Oh, my poor Emily. I narrowed my eyes as I can't really see anything that says she is trying to prank me.

She sighed. "Didn't I tell you that I'll be applying for the job of a translator in Korean companies?"

Did she tell me that? Maybe. I don't remember anything these days.

I chuckled, "You are studying Japanese Emily. Remember?"

She looked at me as if she wanted to say oh really I didn't know that.

But she shut her lips and stared at me as if she wanted me to take her seriously. Okay. Let's be serious.

Emily sat up on my bed and explained, "My dear Sarah, there are many companies who have Japanese investors and are in need of someone who translates Japanese."

I raised my hand as if I was in class and Emily my teacher trying to explain something that is obvious.

She said, "Okay, ask what you want."

"Don't you think you should know Korean to translate Japanese into Korean?" I batted my eyes as I sprinkled innocence in the room dripping from my face.

Emily stood up, "Of course, I know that!"

I tilted my head and said, "So... What are you trying to say?"

She sighed. She sat back on the bed in front of me and said, "But there are some international companies who are situated in Korea and have Japanese investors while the employees there know more English than Korean."

I nodded and said, "So..." Gesturing for her to continue.

Emily continued, "So my dear Sarah, there is a company like this that want such people who are well acquainted with English and Japanese.  Of course, this is a temporary job but they are ready to accommodate you for 6 months and pay you for what you have been doing all this time. Translating Japanese into English and-"

Wait a minute. Did she say accommodate me? What is she talking about?

I lifted my hand in front of her face gesturing to stop. I said, "Wait a minute dear. You said you applied to such companies. Why will they accommodate ME?"

Stressing on Me. Her face shows signs that she forgot to tell me something.

She answered, "When I said I am applying that meant I am applying for both of us."

My eyes went wide. "What?" I stood up.

She held my hand and patted on the bed gesturing me to sit back. She said, "Oh calm down Sarah. You know our scholarship is ending this month. After that, we'll have to run back to our home countries."

I blinked as I didn't really realize that soon I have to move back to my home country. I was too busy these days that I didn't notice.

She continued, "I know you have been busy with your Japanese. You have already submitted your report so it's not necessary to go back. Instead, let's go to Korea for the job."

I sighed in order to take in what all she is trying to say.

I sat back, trying to calm myself. She held both of my hands and said, "Okay. I know you may be surprised. But I did tell you I am applying for that. Plus first, there will be an interview and if we get through it we'll live there otherwise we'll go back. I don't really want to be apart from you. You know that."

She made a puppy face as she continued, "Please come with me."

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