Chapter 18

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After the meeting, Minho and I took a walk in the park.  I have always dreamt of such a moment when on one fine day, I will take a walk with my lover hand in hand, chatting and admiring the beauty of the landscape.

Everything was almost perfect. The weather was great. Park was beautiful and my companion during the walk was someone I like.

The only thing that wasn't right was the firm expression on Minho's face. I wanted him to look at me with eyes full of love. I was wishing that we can walk hands in hand but all that seems like a faraway dream. The Park had a little pond that had benches all around. I sat on the bench for a while.

Minho was busy with his business deals on his phone. He didn't care whether I was there or not. He was too busy. It made me upset. I was dreaming of a date with him and here he is discussing the print of his magazine with his assistant.

Ugh... My whole mood was ruined. I was much happy while talking to Mr. Nakamura... Ugh...
Minho's call ended and he walked back to me. he said, "I have to attend a video conference"
He noticed my frowned look and asked,
"is something the matter?"

What should I say to him when he innocently asks me what's the matter? Should I say you, dumb person, you should pay more attention to your translator on your way back home? Or should I say you should pay more attention to me as I like you and you don't like me back.

"oh nothing" I answered.

The sudden realization that I have no right to ask for his attention made me sad. I felt hurt. How can I treat this walk in the park as a date? Who am I to him? Nothing.

I stood up and said, "Let's go back home."

He said, "Wait a minute. I'll be back."

He stood up and went somewhere.

"I guess another phone call meeting." I sighed and dropped back on the bench.

I sat there staring at the beautiful scenery which no longer appeared lovely. It turned dull and melancholic.

"Me and my imagination" I sighed again.

Just then Minho came back with two Ice cream cones in his hands.

I thought he was busy with his busy phone call but he went to buy ice cream for us.

"I thought you were busy with your meetings. Wouldn't you be late for your video conference?"

He ignored my question and said,
"Eat it quickly or it will melt."

He handed over one cone to me and sat beside me eating his ice cream.

Hmmm, this evening isn't that sad, I realized.

I tried to hide my smile as I ate it.

He said, "I am so sorry I was busy with my calls. I forgot to tell you that you did very well during the meeting. I was quite impressed."

I smiled and blushed at his appreciation.

"Finally, you smiled." He mumbled.

I said, "What?"

"you seemed upset but I guess Ice cream has done its work. You look happy now." He replied.

It wasn't really the ice cream but his words and efforts. I smiled as I replied, "Food makes my mood better. Emily always gets me something to eat whenever I am angry with her. My anger melts whenever I eat something delicious."

"Then I need to get you food whenever we fight. Okay. Noted." He made a gesture of writing it on his palm with another hand.

"That's childish." I teased him.

"Look who's talking. Who forgets her anger when she is offered food just like a 5-year-old child." He replied.

"So what?" I rolled my eyes and turned my face to another direction pretending to be angry.

"Hmmm..... I think I need to buy another ice cream for you now." He said.

We both started laughing.

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