Chapter 7

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Emily called my name from the Kitchen as she said, "Coffee is ready! Sarah!"

I was too embarrassed to come out of my room, but if I didn't, Emily will keep on shouting until I respond. I came out and everything seemed normal. Minho was looking at the documents at the dining table. Alex was looking at his phone and Emily was placing coffee on the table. I sat at the table grabbing my coffee mug.

Okay, Sarah. Everything is normal. you just need to act normal. Take a deep breath and forget what happened near the bathroom. I sipped the coffee and felt relief.

But those moments of relief were shortlisted. As I was sipping coffee, Emily turned to me said, "Now tell me, are you bothered by that brown-eyed boy?"

I almost spilled my coffee. Minho and Alex stopped whatever they were doing and stared at me.

Alex said, "Who is this brown-eyed boy?"

"He is someone she met at the airport," Emily answered. I noticed Minho's one eyebrow raised.

"and she kind of lik---" she was trying to continue when I stuffed her mouth with a bun.

"Emily, Have some breakfast. I'll tell them."
I turned to Alex and said, "Oh nothing important. Just someone I met. Right, Emily? JUST SOMEONE I MET" I glared at Emily as I kicked her lightly under the table.

"Oh yes. Nothing Important. Not at all important." She replied.

Alex didn't want to stretch the matter so he said, "Okay."

Then Emily said, "I am going to make breakfast with Alex quickly, and then let's get ready for our shift at the cafe."

I answered, "Okay."

Emily and Alex went into the kitchen to make their lovely couple breakfast and I was left with Minho.

I tried to drink my coffee as quickly as possible as I need to clean the house and run away from him as soon as possible. But this damn coffee! It was too hot!

Minho looked up from his document and said, "Relax. Why are you always rushing things? If you are embarrassed about what happened this morning, there's no need to be. Forget it."
I sighed. Yeah, I was overthinking but when It comes to my crush, I can't help it. I tried to drink my coffee in a more relaxed manner.

"So, you work at a cafe?"

"yeah, for observing Japanese culture and people."

"That's a good way to do that."


"So you won't be coming back till late evening?" He asked. I wondered why he was asking me that.

I replied, "Oh no. My shift ends early today as it is Friday. I'll be back till 3 pm."

"Okay", He continued his paperwork.

I stood up to clean the hall and he said, "I have already vacuumed the hall after I woke up. You just need to clean the rooms. I would have cleaned the room as well but everyone was sleeping."

Aww, he cleaned the hall? how considerate a person he is. I smiled and said, "But you don't need to do that, I could have cleaned the hall as well."

"But I am already troubling you by living here. This is the least I could do. You can tell me if you want me to do anything for you." he replied.

Yes, please vacate my mind and dreams. You are the only movie my mind plays again and again. I can't take my eyes off you, can you help  me with that? I thought and blushed.

I realized he was looking at me for an answer, So I replied, "Oh no. If there would be anything, I'll definitely tell you. By the way, Didn't you have a meeting with someone?"

He stood up with a shocked look on his face and said, "Oh no! It totally skipped my mind." He looked at his watch and then gathered all his papers and was ready to leave when he said, "Thanks for reminding me Sarah." and smiled as he left.

I was on the seventh cloud as he called my name. His smile was so attractive. He looked hot in his white shirt, but when he smiled, his hotness turned into cuteness.

I want this man in my life but unfortunately, he is committed. I would have done anything for his smile if he was my boyfriend. But God has given him his someone special. I felt a bit sad. I stared at the roof and thought, Where is mine? where is my soulmate, God? Will he be as hot, considerate, and good-looking as Minho and Alex? Are you listening? Answer me, God! Okay, I was being overdramatic but that smile made me crave for someone like him.

Why in the world is he not single? but he is so attractive and hot, it is obvious that he is committed. Isn't it too cruel God that I have to live with my crush but I can't even like him because he is already taken?

"Why?" I raised my head and questioned the ceiling as if God was sitting up there.

Alex and Emily came back with the breakfast.
"Yummy! or I should say Oishiii (Japanese word for delicious) " I said in delight as I ate.

"Literally everything was done by Alex today. He didn't let me do anything except watching this handsome man cooking" Emily said.

"That's why today's breakfast is tastier." I teased Emily.

"What do you mean by that?" She looked at me pretending to be annoyed but I knew she was joking.
I laughed and said, "I am just complimenting your boyfriend."

Emily flicked her hair as if to show that it's her proud moment and said, "Of course, I know, He is great."

Three of us started laughing. Then Alex turned to me and said, "Hey Sara, will you be free tonight? Umm... if you don't mind can you be Minho's Japanese translator for some time?"
I stopped smiling and said with a confused look, "What? me?"

"Yeah. I asked Emily first as I didn't want to bother you but she is doing some assignments so she is busy. Minho needs to deal with some Japanese Client's and he is not that good at Japanese. His company will pay you of course, but will you please help him?"

I looked at Emily. She was hiding her face while she ate. I said, "Oh Emily is busy with an assignment?"

"Yeah", Alex replied. He stood up and said, "I need to make an urgent call. I'll be back in a sec."

As he left, I turned to Emily. "My dear Emily, what kind of assignment are you working on huh? can you tell me? Maybe I could help."

She had a mischievous look when she said,  "Oh it's something personal, You can't help me with that."

"Oh really? Is that assignment name, 'Alex' maybe?
She chuckled, " How did you know?"

"Because I know you. You liar!  You don't have any assignment then why did you lie?" I raised my voice.

She put a finger on my lips and said, "Please Sarah, do it! I don't want to waste my time as I want to give most of my time to Alex. You know he can't be here forever."

I understood what she meant, But this means I had to spend more time with Minho and that means my heart will have to endure more torture as my mind will keep on reminding me that he has a girlfriend, despite that I'll keep on falling for him.

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