Chapter 30:- Secret Revealed- 1

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Elaine's POV :

We got everything ready for our costume change and hoped that timing would be on our side. Annie, also known as Starlet, the perfectionist among us, asked, "Is everything set?"

Joanne, who's Zoey for this event, replied confidently, "Yes, everything's set."

Tammy, going by Ophelia, added, "I really hope this goes smoothly."

Worriedly, Joanne/Zoey said, "If anything goes wrong, our newfound freedom will vanish."

We all knew how much she cherished her freedom, considering the trauma of dealing with an insane stalker fan. Fortunately, we were there to support her. Lettie, despite being the youngest, always played the nurturing role in our group. We all hugged her, knowing how important her comfort was.

Annie/Scarlet comforted Joanne/Zoey, saying, "It's alright, Zozo. That nightmare is in the past. We're here to protect you, and Eli will unleash their wrath if anyone dares to harm you. So, let's cheer up and get ready. We've got a marathon ahead."

Curious, I asked, "What kind of marathon are we talking about?"

Annie/Scarlet chuckled, "It's the identity change marathon, you goof."

I inquired further, "So, who's giving the prize to whom?"

Joanne/Zoey explained, "Ophelia is giving prize to Annie."

"Alright then, Lia, get ready. And Lettie, you'll be Annie now," I ordered.

They quickly changed into their new personas.

Meanwhile, On Stage:

As the emcee announced, "Now, it's time for the prize distribution for the winners. Some prizes will be presented by our Elite 4 girls. Let's announce the winners."

Daoming Si's POV :

"Elite 4? Seriously, what's the arts management thinking?" I scoffed.

Meizuo teased, "Oh, come on, you're just jealous they're stealing the spotlight from us."

Hua Za Lei hushed us, saying, "Just watch."

"The winner for acting is Annie. I invite Ophelia Farrel to present the prize," the emcee announced.

I couldn't help but comment, "Here comes the drama queen."

Hua Za Lei noted, "Hey, now that I look closely, something seems off."

And I felt it too.

Backstage, our Elite 4 team was tenser than a rubber band.

After Annie/Scarlet received her prize, they hurriedly returned.

Elaine's POV :

Tammy/Ophelia asked, panting, "What's the next item?"

Annie/Scarlet tried to reassure her, "Lia, calm down. Everything's alright."

But Tammy/Ophelia was unconvinced, "No, it's not alright. Next, Scarlet is giving a prize to Tammy."

Joanne/Zoey exclaimed, "We're in trouble!"

Annie/Scarlet started panicking, "Lettie, now's not the time to panic. Get up and change. It's already been announced."

I tried to stay composed, "Lettie, don't panic. We need you. You can do this."

But Lettie's panic was escalating, and we knew it might lead to her fainting. Her panic attacks were unpredictable and dangerous. We helped her change quickly, and they dashed back to the stage.

Meanwhile, F4's POV :

Ximen's POV :

"The next winner for modeling is Tammy. I invite Scarlet Sylvester to the stage for prize distribution," the emcee announced.

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