"One of the employees had brought something to my attention yesterday after school," his voice is so groggy and nasally at the same time.I close my eyes,running my hand across my neck and kneading out each crease. "Toji Isagi lives in the lower part of town."

My eyes shoot open.

"His apartment building is being run down today and therefore he has nowhere to go.He appealed to my better interest and has asked for a place to stay,I have suggested he use the dorms on Jujustsu grounds."


"And you just let a cleaner live on sacred grounds?" one of the counsel members speaks up.

"His a part of our Jujustu family.We don't pay him enough to live on the streets," Yoshinobu scoffs.

"We've never allowed for this to happen.Are you out of your mind?" another one speaks.

"It wouldn't be our first time.I think it's a good idea besides,what can a cleaner do?" and another one.

"That was years ago." another one.

"Weren't you a cleaner years ago?" and another one.

"No!" I yell and immediately regret it.Eyes turned to me,the room turned quiet and I gulp. "That would be irresponsible."

"How so?" Yoshinobu asks.

"He could be a threat," I reply.

"Five years ago we picked you up from the streets and accepted you.You lived in the dorms too yet you show no mercy and act hypocritical toward someone who actually deserves it?" he threw salt on an open wound.He was right,I did have nowhere to go and I did live in the dorms but my room was the size of a closet space and everyone barely looked at me.It was Geto who approached me first,made me feel welcome and eventually Satoru felt left out too.

"I vote he stays in the dorms."

I stare at that old fuck and he stares at mee.

"Me too."

I hated him.

"I don't,it's dangerous."

He made my life hell.

"Then she's a danger too.I do."

He cursed me.

"I vote yes."

I'm only doing it for the kids.

"I do too."

"Well," Yoshinobu speaks up and takes hold of his staff,raising his head with a smug look. "What do you say [Last Name] and speak up this time girly."

Silence.It was excruciatingly painful to listen to but I wouldn't let that stop me from being heard. "No," then I stood up and grabbed my files,making my way out of the room.My footsteps echoed throughout the hallway,a deep scowl on my face.That fucker had the audacity.After I told him to not fuck with my world he ignores me.

He has that Yoshinobu fuck wrapped around his finger and the counsel couldn't even see it.

"[First Name!" I whip my head and turn to see who calls me.Ijichi stands with his cellphone in his hand,waving from across the hall. "Satoru is on the phone!"

My eyes widened and I bit at my bottom lip to prevent the soft whimper that was ready to escape.I rushed back toward the conference room,grabbing the phone from Ijichi and pacing down the hallway. "Toru," it was a whisper,a tremble even.

"[First Name]-san,how I missed you so much darling," his cheerful yet deep laughger echoed through the speaker and I turned the corner of the hallway,leaning my back against it. "You should see Tokyo,it's so full of energy and the woman is so great."

"Toru," I whisper once again.

"I tried so much food this side and I think I even got a stomach bug," he grumbled a little too cute for my liking and that only made my stomach churn further. "In and out of the bathroom two days ago,the judgemental stares I got at that restaurant."

"Toru!" I yell and the line goes silent. "When are you coming home?"

The silence was slow again and just as I was about to speak,he cooes into the cellphone. "Did my [First Name] miss me that much she wants me to come home.She didn't even ask for Pinky this time,you must really miss me,I'll come home soon [First Name]!"

"Is Yuji okay and what's going on with Sukuna.Are you hurt?Did he hurt you that bad?When is your mission over?" I couldn't help myself but ask.It came out flying,the concern.

"Aww don't worry sweetheart,I'll be home soon and once I'm done I'll lay you on your back and fuck you nice and sweet okay," he kept cooeing,not answering any of my questions.My frown only deepened.

"Satoru-" he cuts me off.

"I have to go now [First Name]-san and I I'm going to speak to you soon okay-" I stop him this time.

"Wait Satoru,is everything okay?"

"I'll speak to you later.I have to go now darling-"


"Bye Bye baby."


The line goes dead.


I know it's short.It's a filler.

My black soul loves you 🖤

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