Two alphas, one omega

Start from the beginning

"Shoto! You here!" He exclaimed as the candy cane fuck smiled at my mate, opening his arms to hug him, my whole body screamed to punch the bastard in the face but refrained as my mate jumped into the embrace, smiling innocently like a goofball.

"Izuku, hello."

"Hello!" Deku said hapily with a giggle before my father made his way down the stairs, receiving a glare on my part.

"You seem to have met the future queen of the Bakugou kingdom already, that is fantastic." My father said as I now turned my glare towards the alpha holding my mate, thankfully letting go rather quick as Deku made his way to me.

"Alpha, me did something! Must come see!" Deku said now suddenly pulling on my arm, my eyes glancing at the two alphas that stood now behind me, not paying attention to us any longer as they chatted away.

"Deku, I have to speak with-"

"Later! I have something to show alpha..." Deku said in a determined tone, pulling me back to the room we had been inside hours ago, my bedroom, the room I was trapped in for days, desperately wanting to mate him.

I walked inside and gulped as his scent slapped me in the face, his heat pheromones having yet to leave the room fully.

"What is it, I have things to go attend to, beautiful." I said in a soft tone, watching Deku pout before running over to the corner where his bed was, I couldn't help but frown at the sight.

He had perfectly aligned pillows in a way that caused an oval to be formed, inside contained many different blankets as well as some of our clothings, I could barely keep my excitement in at the sight of the nest he had proudly made.

"I did all alone, pretty nest no?"

"Yes, its absolutely magnificent. You did such a good job, Deku." I said as I gently ruffled his hair, loving the soft purr his throat made, I could lay in there and stay forever if it meant I would have this peace constantly.

A knock on the door caught my attention, making me growl as Deku stopped moving around the nesting materials, his eyes looking at the door with curiosity, I dreaded the door opening.

"Çæn Ī çœnnə īn?" The half and half king asked behind the door, his voice soft and void of any aggression he usually bared towards me.



I paused as my omega had answered, my eyes blinking rapidly in confusion as the door opened, seeing my omega dig himself into the clothes, his eyes barely seen under the unbelievable amount of cloths that covered him.

Shoto did not waste a second, walking in while dismissing my refusal of entry, of course he had ignored it the moment he heard Deku's agreement, it made me sick to my stomach to think he could actually like the half and half bastard.

"Looks nice. Good nest." Shoto said as Deku squealed, purring before I cut it off with a snarl, I did not like the friendliness Deku was displaying while in such a vulnerable area, he should only be exposed to me while in his nest.

"Ī ẅœnț țəll ƴœū ţẅīçə, ĝəț œūț!" I spat out to him, making it clear that he was more than unwelcommed here, not that he seemed to be bothered about it.

"Œŕ əłßə, ẅĥæț?" He dared ask, making my hair on the back of my neck stand straight in fury, he had pushed my buttons too far.

This fucker was looking to be killed.

"Æŕə ƴœu fūçƙịŋĝ ßəŕịœūß!?" I yelled back, growling as he took a defensive stand, his eyes defying me and begging me to take the first punch, he knew he would be in his right to demolish me afterwards if needed, not that he would succeed of course.

"No fighting! Happy day... For me?" Deku whimpered out as he poked his head from the blanket pile, making us both stop growling, I felt bad to see him so sad and distressed, I couldn't refuse his request.

"Fine... I'll stop for you, baby." I said as I hopped in his nest, kissing his cheek as Shoto stood there, watching with envy and jealousy.

"Ƴœū ðœnț əvəŋ ðəßərvə țĥịß." He said in anger before turning around, storming his way out of the room before halting at the door, glancing softly at Deku before leaving, giving me the victory I knew I would have.

"Why so pupset? Did Izuku do bad?" Deku whimpered out as he nuzzled against my chest, making me sigh softly before shaking my head, knowing he probably felt guilty for the sad pheromones Shoto had let out when he left.

"Never baby, you could never do anything wrong..."

I just wished it had been true.

To be continued...

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