Chapter 11 - Serious Talks

Start from the beginning

"I told him about my situation with Eywa." Her whispers were so quiet that I thought I heard her wrong. But she was telling the truth.

She brought her knees up and fiddled with her fingers. She didn't dare look at me.

She had told the one boy that couldn't know that she couldn't connect with the great mother, that she couldn't connect. He had told his parents who probably wanted her to leave the island. I looked at my sister.

I was not angry, but she thought I would be. How could I be when the thought of her leaving was playing on my mind.

I reached over and grabbed her hands. But she did not turn to me. I let out a sigh before moving closer to my twin and placing a hand around the back of her neck, hugging her tightly.

"Seze, you are my sister. I need you to talk to me."

"what about?" she asked back in an annoyed tone. She hated it when I wanted her to talk. She always hated it when everything was about her.

"I need you to tell me what is going on with you. Why you are so upset all the time? Why do you leave us every day?" I paused and looked down to my sister whos head was reased on my shoulder. She was looking to the Ikran.

"Mother and father think that you don't think we love you" I whispered, trying to get the girl to finally talk about her feelings. He ears twitched.

It was true.

"Seze, we love you all very much. I don't know how we can show it more-"

"it does not matter if you show it more or not" Seze said, closing her eyes in frustration. "I always look for it, but my brain...My brain makes me forget all the love I am shown."

"What do you mean?" I asked, moving my head away from Seze to get a better view of her expression.

"Do you know how you and the others wanted to teach me signing and breathing?" I gave the girl a quick nod.

"Well, I did not see that as you wanting to teach me. I saw that as our parents telling you to do it so" I let out a sigh as I looked over Seze.

She looked up to me. She wanted to say more but didn't know how. I gave her shoulder a tap, trying to show her she could speak freely. It had worked. She turned away before speaking. It was hard for her to say.

"it is why I isolate myself. It's easier to feel loved when I'm away from you all than it is when I'm around you." Sezes words were whispered and nothing more. "I know that I will never get better if I continue to isolate but...but it's all I know."

Sezes eyes started to glisten as she looked up to me. And my heart broke right then and there. Her words were like daggers.

I pulled my sister close, hugging her tightly not wanting to let go as my twin cried in my arms.

I thought I knew everything there was to know about my sister. I thought that she was always just upset that she didn't have a connection with Eywa. I thought she was isolating herself purely because she was trying to find the said connection.

Seze and I both lay with each other close. Till we had fallen asleep to the sound of our breaths.

What we didn't see was the way our parents watched from afar, not quite hearing us but seeing their caughter cry. Seeing us fall asleep in each other's arms.


Seze's POV:

When I woke I almost jumped up at the amount of people surrounding me.

Tuk was lying face down with her head on my shoulder on top of me as I lay on my back, Kiri next to me with her arm under my neck.

Neteyam lay beside me, his hand resting on Tuks back as Lo'ak lay with his head on kiri's waist. His arm pulled across to Tuks back too.

On the outside next to Neteyam was my mother whose hand rested on Neteyams hair. Next to Lo'ak was my father, Lo'aks legs slung over his own.

I had fallen asleep with just my sister, and now had 5 extra's laying around the place. It was not what I was expecting.

I also hadn't expected to sleep for as long or as well as I did. I looked up to the sky and saw the Ikran through the trees all flying in the air. I saw the clouds slowly making their way across the sky.

I was relaxed. And it was a nice feeling too. The comfort of knowing that in this moment of peace and quiet, my family was ok. There was nothing that would happen to make me think they did not care for me.

I felt that feeling again. The one I wasn't sure of till I felt the caring feeling from Tuk.

It was love. My love for my family. It is a protective feeling.

I saw their calm expressions and felt nothing but peace. The weight of Tuks small body on top of mine. The feeling of Neteyams breath on my neck. The slight sound of mumbles coming from Lo'ak as he dreamt.

It was peaceful.

But I knew that once they all woke up, that feeling would be gone.

So I did not move a muscle. I stayed as quite as I could and let my family sleep. I let them sleep as long as they needed, as long as they wanted.

I let then dig their knees into me and elbow me when they tried to turn around.

I lay awake in a feeling of protectiveness and love.

A smile crept on my face.





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