13• Guardian

Start bij het begin

"You ready to go?" I nod, I just need to leave this place. He grabs my things from my hand and takes my hand in his as we lead us to his car. Opening the passenger door for me. I get in and say thank you before he places my things at the car and then goes to the drivers seat.

Turning on the engine, making the most sexiest sound ever. Speeding down the college into a high way.

I love cars, but I really don't know much about them. But still, I definitely love them.

I don't realize it until I look up to see him watching me intensely. And that we had stopped on the side of the road. I quickly looked away and bite my bottom while playing with my hands. Something I did when I was nervous. And it looks like I'm always nervous around him.

He lifts my head gently with the tip of his finger, making me look at him. "You don't ever have to be scared or nervous around me amore." He says while looking at me with an emotion I have never seen in him.

Wait, did he say amore? As in love? I don't know much about Italian, but I definitely know that word.

I blush, knowing very well my cheeks were red. I look away. Before I could do that, he grabbed my chin, making me look at him again. This time, he had a smirk. I wanted to wipe off his gorgeous Greek face.

Fuck, why does this man have to be this sexy. I mean, God definitely took his time with him. He's just.... perfect. Something I'll never be.

"Isabella?" His deep, calm voice making me really look at him. He's calm eyes looking deep into my troubled ones. "Y-yes?"

"Let's go out for coffee." That took me by surprise. Did he just ask me out or he's just demanding?

"Are you asking me out or telling me?" I look at him for a minute before he answers. "I dont need anyones permission to do as i please amore."

"Well, unless you really wanna have coffee with me, then you gotta ask me." I say confidently.

No ways I'm going to be told by a man what to do and not to do. I've let my dad do that my whole life. Not anymore.

"Will you accompany me to get coffee?" I was about to say something but then stopped and looked at him. Well, that was quick. I didn't think he'd give up. Even the way he asked showed he had never done that before. But that's close enough.

I smiled at him and agreed.

I didn't miss his lips crack into a faint smile. He drove off towards the city, I think, for the coffee shop.

I didn't notice until now that he was wearing a black suit that held on to him well, considering that his muscles could be seen too. With a white shirt that was two undone buttons making you see his tattoos, he had three rings on both of his hands.

This man is always wearing his black suit, but every time I see him. It's like I see him for the very first time.

His side profile is to die for. I mean, any girl would love this. His sharp jawline and his natural cruls. And his pink juicy lips.

Fuck he is definitely sexy.

He cleared his throat making me look away because I was staring at him, of course the motherfucker smirked.

I look out the tinted window into the forest then remembered to text Ava. Which she replied soon. 'He's amazing Isa! I love him so much. He even bought me flowers. Might as well fuck him' I basically laughed at that. She told me she'll be home late so I should go to bed and not wait for her. I say my goodbyes then focus on the many trees we pass.

I don't know why I find the forests very interesting. Anytime I get I'll always look into them as if they'd speak to me or something.

Liam's POV:

Her smile.

She makes me feel things I never knew I could, and I hated it. Just staring at her makes me want to make sure no one lays their fingers on her. She makes me want to kill anyone who would hurt her. I would burn the whole world to the ground for her.

And I mean it.

I wondered what she was thinking about when she looked out the window. Seeing her relax in her seat made me wonder even more what she really had going on in her head.

We continued driving for 5 more minutes before getting to our destination. I opened her door for her and led her to the coffee shop.

We find a blonde male at the front desking who looks at Isabella, basically removing her clothes with his eyes making my blood boil. I look down at an oblivious Isabella as she looks around in awe.

Before I could take out my gun at shoot if motherfucker in the head for looking at what's mine, a soft hand grabs my big ones making me snap out of my thoughts and relax a bit knowing it's her.

She looked up at me with her beautiful hazel brown eyes and was begging me not to cause a scene. Even though this is my coffee shop but she didn't have to know that.

I look back at the now nervous blonde that must have realized who I was as he held his head low and quickly grabbed two menus, leading us to our private table.

He scurried away after telling us he'll be back after 2 minutes to get our orders.

I looked at Isabella as if she was contemplating on what to get. She looks so beautiful right now, I doubt I'll ever stop saying this.

"I really dont know what to get, c-can you please order for me." She says, pouting and looking up at me, making her look down when she saw I was looking at her.

"Sure, amore."

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