Chapter 9

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A/N hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not posting these past couple of weeks, I went on vacation last week so I've spent most of my time packing, preparing, and actually going on the trip! Big apologies, so I'm making chapter 9 today (Monday- for me) and then I'll try to make chapter 10 on Friday like normal, thanks for reading! enjoy ❤️

That day went on pretty normal, the lionesses hunted and it was very successful because it had rained that morning, so all the herds moved closer towards the pride, the hunting patrols brought back a wildebeest which fed the pride nicely.

"I'm going to go now" you said excusing yourself, you trotted up to simba's den, he was laying there, (he had his share of the prey, because he was the king- he ate first) "how are you?"

 You asked him as you sat down next to him,"I'm fine what about you?" He replied smiling "Other than a few minor injuries.. I'm fine" you replied, simba looked a bit shaken up, "are you alright? You seem.. paranoid" you asked him 

"Well it's just the hyenas.. they are going to come back and try to start another fight, when they get stronger, and I fear that will happen too soon." He muttered 

"Well then we should have patrols" you suggested "perhaps having patrols would help secure the territory and if we had them, we'd be able to spot the hyenas" you explained. "Well that's not a bad idea, I'll think over it" he said you nuzzled him"there's just something about him, the twinkle in his eyes could give hope in even the most hopeless situations,"  you admired. In return he licked your cheek. You laid there for a few more minutes before deciding to go finish eating. "Well I ought to go" you exclaimed "I'll see you later then y/n" he said with a soft smile.

You scampered off back to the wildebeest which was half gone "how long was I gone that there's barely any prey left?"  You thought, digging into the carcass.

But then an "unexpected" visitor arrived so suddenly, almost all the lionesses and lions clamored around her welcoming her. "Who is she..?"  You pondered to yourself. Then simba jumped down from his den to meet her. "Where did she come from?"  You thought.

A/N I hate to leave everyone on a cliffhanger but I'm sure most people already know who's "arrived" but if not then you'll find out next chapter in (hopefully) four days! :) 

Please vote this chapter because I try to do as much research on the lion king and actual lions (😭) as I can to make the story as "realistic" and enjoyable as possible so thank you for voting and reading! ❤️

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