chapter 8

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It was dusk now.

The fight had turned into a complete massacre there was so many dead hyenas and unfortunately a couple lions too..

But the pride was holding up nicely, unfortunately the hyenas always had plenty more of themselves and it looked like they kept doubling, you had managed to injure one pretty badly, it scrambled away, it probably died because it lost too much blood.

Simba, however, was being attacked the most, He was the king of course, the pride would be in shambles without him- and the hyenas knew this, but he was very powerful and easily shook most of the hyenas that tried to go for him off.

You got clawed at on your cheek by a hyena, before you could process, what exactly had happened two more pounced on you, trying to bite at your neck, you pushed them off and then roared at them to scare them away.

Unfortunately for you the leader of the hyena's clan knew you were the one who had killed one of her hyenas, she dashed now towards you and sank her teeth into your shoulder, you tried to kick her off but you simply couldn't,  her jaws were locked.

Zari dashed in and helped you get her off, she then scratched her cheek, the hyena wasn't done though when she got up she's went for zari this time, going for her neck, If you didn't do anything to help her she'd kill her, then she'd kill you. So with all your might you ran at full speed into the hyena, you ran into her headfirst and she fell over. You and zari ran.

"Zari are you okay!?" You exclaimed "yeah I'm fine, but your bleeding on your shoulder are you okay?" She said

You looked down, your shoulder was stained with crimson colored blood, and it continued to drip from your shoulder. "Oh, i didn't notice" you said wincing in pain— when you hadn't seen it you couldn't feel it, but now that you knew that it was there it hurt.

"It's fine though" you said, "alright" said zari.

Finally the hyenas gave up, they surrendered, and the lions had won, as the hyenas were running away in humiliation, simba roared, everyone else followed, just as the hyenas left the sun began to rise.

"I'm so incredibly exhausted" you said to zari, whom herself had a few scratches and a limp. "Yeah this was crazy" she said.

And like that, everyone walked back to pride rock, it wasn't really a walk— it was more of a slow stroll, everyone was tired but pretty happy, unfortunately two lionesses died, they'd be missed.

And luckily it began to drizzle, the cool drizzle felt amazing on your pelt.

A/N: helloooo! I hope you enjoyed this very action packed chapter 😭

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Till later, bye :)💕

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