Chapter 3

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You tossed and turn endlessly all night, thinking of what zari said. Is said it true? Did he like you? Maybe you thought, do I like him? I mean we just met- how could we know for sure?  You thought. Then you realized, I haven't seen him with a queen, I wonder why not. You pondered.  you heard rustling from simbas nest, since you couldn't sleep, and you couldn't get him off your mind you decided to go find him. You quietly tiptoed over to his den which was above the lionesses. He was awake too, "simba?" You said. "Oh, y/n hello." "I can't sleep" you said- trying to start a conversation "me too." He said

"You dazed off for a bit looking into the stars." "What're you looking at that's so  captivating huh?" He teased while smirking.

You rolled your eyes "I was just spacing out" you blushed a bit. "My father always told me the great kings and queens of the past are up there. Watching down on us from above." 

 "Wow that's very interesting." You said. "Who's your father and mother?" You asked curiously "my father passed." Simba said a bit saddened "my mother is Sarabi, you know her." He replied. "I'm sorry for your loss." You said, feeling bad.

 you laid down, you didn't notice how close you were to his paws. Oh my gosh this is so awkward you thought. He started grooming his fur, you got up and did the same, "it's quite cold out" you said. He agreed by nodding his head. Your pelts were brushing against each other's, you couldn't help but blush again. You were fiddling with your paws as they accidentally got stuck in simbas mane.

"Ow" He said as he pretended it had hurt. "Oops" You said quietly laughing. When you pulled it out you somehow both landed In a heap near his nest, you both were giggling. It was silent for a moment, as your noses were centimeters away from each other.

"it's getting late" you said, "yeah.." he said softly. You got up and prepared to leave and go back to your den. Your mind was full of all the events that had just taken place.

You wanted to stay so badly but you were scared the lionesses would notice your absence.

"Goodnight." You said softly. He nodded.

And so, you left. And once again couldn't sleep after everything that had just happened.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I'll make more soon! :)


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