i hate myself

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Jungkook presses Jimin against the wall.

Gripping both sides of Jimin's waist firmly.

Kissing Jimin's lips, down to his chin, to his neck.

Jimin wraps his arms around the taller's neck, letting out soft hums of pleasure. "Jungkook," He mumbles.

Jungkook quickly lifts Jimin up by his thighs, and slowly carrie's the smaller to bed, all while keeping his lips on his neck.

He lays Jimin down, and hovers over him.

Looking deeply into each others eyes, they breathe heavily from the fast movement and heartbeats.

"You look...breathtaking," Jungkook whispers.

Jimin's heart practically melts.

This is what he loves. Jungkook's soft moments.

He grabs Jungkook's face and pulls him close,
"Am I?"

Jungkook smirks before biting the smaller's plump bottom lip, "You are." He sits up and slips his shirt off, causing Jimin to watch with parted lips.

Jungkook hovers over Jimin again, and begins undressing the smaller, slowly. "I'm taking my time, with you tonight."

Jimin blushes, nodding, heart pounding loudly, "Do what you want, how you want...I want you."

                                   .           .          .

Jimin draws mini circles on Jungkook's naked chest, resting his head on the older's strong shoulder. Smiling softly.

Jungkook exhales loudly, looking out the window, right at the bright moon. He steadies his breathing with the waves of the ocean crashing against each other slowly.

The two lie there, naked, taking in each others presence quietly.

Until Jimin speaks up. "So," He clears his throat, "Namjoon is having a friends dinner tomorrow night...do you, want to go?"

"I'm gonna be there. Namjoon is like a brother, why wouldn't I go?"

Jimin nervously bites his bottom lip, "N-No, I meant...as, my date, Jungkookie."

Jungkook suddenly becomes stiff, and this makes Jimin sigh quietly. "I'm sorry-"

"Jimin, you have to stop with the date stuff, alright?"

Jimin slowly sits up and looks down at Jungkook with a frown, "Can you blame me? You already know I like you a lot...it isn't bad for me to simply ask you to be my date, Jungkookie."

Jungkook goes deep in thought as he looks into Jimin's sad eyes. Jimin will never seem to understand. Why bother continuing this, anyways?

Jungkook shifts Jimin to the side and gets out of bed, grabbing his clothes and putting them on.

Jimin sadly looks down as he pulls the blanket over his body to cover himself. "Leaving already?"


Jimin watches Jungkook pull his shirt over his head with a sharp pain in his heart. I hate myself for letting this happen. For doing this to myself.

"You know, Jimin...when we started messing around, you swore you wouldn't get attached.." Jungkook says as he starts putting his shoes on. "I like you, but I'm not one to date, or get sentimental, alright...?" Jungkook then turns around. And he'd be lying if he said Jimin's heartbreaking expression didn't have an impact. "I just, uh...uhm..you know me. So, no more dating questions. If you don't like the way I do things, then..we'll put an end to this."

Jimin's heart sinks even more. He's right. He's completely right. So what would anyone do? End it, right?

Jungkook leans in closer, and Jimin automatically closes his eyes. And their lips connect.

The kiss is soft and slow.

"I don't want to hurt you, Jimin. But this is all I have, to give to you..."

Jimin nods slowly. I just can't stay away from you, Jungkook.

"It's okay, Jungkook. I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions...I want you. And I'll take whatever you give me."

Jungkook frowns for a second, before clearing his throat and standing up. "Okay, then. See you tomorrow."

Jimin watches the older leave as tears slowly fall from his eyes.

Jimin...you idiot.

i still love you (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now