"Hate you less? Never." The corners of her lips turned up slightly as she turned to me.

"Good, we wouldn't want that."

"You ready to win?" Teddy asked as he squeezed my shoulder.

The locker room was packed and rather noisy as everyone got ready for the game. There was a lot of pressure riding on this game, we needed the win.

I ran a hand through my hair as my heart pounded against my chest. "Yes."

Teddy gave me one of his encouraging smiles. "You guys got this. They have the best captain."
Teddy always made me feel better before games. He knew how important this game was.
"And after the game we get to party." His mouth turned up into a grin.

Teddy's parties were always over the top, especially his Halloween parties. This year he had a twelve foot table filled with only Halloween candy, and another filled with Halloween themed snacks. Teddy always provided the best alcohol, with assistance from myself or August.

"Yeah, I know. I know." I let out a breath and wiped the sweat that glistened my palms on my thighs. "Listen up," My voice boomed over the others, silencing the small conversation around the locker room. "Everyone who's not on the team, out."

Teddy didn't move, he knew I didn't mean him. When the room only held my team and Teddy, I stood up from the bench. Everyone looked either anxious or excited to get out on the field.
"It doesn't matter if we win or lose, but we're gonna try our damn best to win this game. We're going to the championship and we're owning this season. If you aren't trying your best out there, don't bother getting off that bench. We're a team, and we do our best and only our best when we're together."

Our coach, James, walked through the locker room door with a calm smile covering his thin lips. "Did River already give his motivational lecture?"

"It wouldn't be a game without one," Teddy chuckled.

James squeezed Teddy's shoulder as he took his place beside me. "All I'm going to say is our team is a family, play like one out there because this may be the last game you guys play together. Give it your all and practice will be cancelled tomorrow. In order for you all to sleep off your hangover." His dark, forest green eyes flickered to Teddy. James knew Teddy's parties either ended up in more than half the team blacking out or having a wicked hangover the next morning.

I led the team out onto the field as Teddy stayed by my side. "Keep Lyra away from my parents, man. I don't need my mom liking her and inviting her to dinner or some mom thing."

Teddy rolled his eyes. "Don't be a prick."

"I mean it. My mom is too nice and I don't need Lyra anywhere near her."

"Cause she'll definitely corrupt her like she's corrupted Sasha and I."

"Now you understand."

"You got this, Man." Teddy squeezed my shoulder before going up to the bleachers where Sasha and Lyra sat with my parents.
Fucking wonderful! My mother probably was obsessed with Lyra at this point and invited her to her damn book club. I swear to god, I don't think I could stay mentally sane if I had to see her at my house too. School, Teddy's and my games were enough as it was.

I hated seeing her god damn face everywhere. She was everywhere, she consumed my mind whether I liked it or not. She consumed my thoughts, my emotions, my actions. Her sweet vanilla scent made my blood boil, it was as if I could physically feel it heating up, ready to spill over the edge like boiling water would.
My mothers soft gaze met mine and she offered me a warm smile before turning back to Teddy as he sat with them.

I let out a huff before putting on my helmet and going over to join my team on the field.
The coin toss resulted in the ball being ours to start with. I couldn't have been happier with my team as we played out each play almost perfectly.

This game was by far the hardest they had ever worked and they all busted their fucking asses.

As the seconds decreased on the clock, the score almost even, Kol stole the ball from the other team and quickly threw it to Derek who bolted down the field, Serving Crown's defence. The ball twirled through the air, coming straight towards me, my breath caught as I caught it and threw it down as the buzzer went off.

The neon number under the Royals went up as our side of the bleachers went wild. Halftime took over the feild and I directed my team to the locker room.

"Seriously? We're winning." Kol took off his helmet and growled before shoving me.

"Touch me again and you're off the team. And I'll make sure you don't play hockey this season."

"You're a real dick sometimes," He muttered as he shoved past me into the locker room.

I wasn't going to let him or anyone else on the team get distracted during half time. We were up a few points from our touch down but that didn't mean we had this. The Crowns could catch up anytime and win. Then tonight would be our last game.

It would be the last game of my high school career. Not really only did I not want that, a lot of the other guys were in the same boat.

"We're doing great, Guys. You're working hard out there. You got the rest of this game as long as you keep doing what you're doing." James said as he stood in front of our team.

I ran a hand through my sweaty hair and watched my team take in every word James said. For a lot of us, this could possibly be getting our last half time James speech. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss his long ass motivational talks, or how proud he always looked whether we won or loss.

He had been my coach for years now, he was more like family. He was family. He got along well with my parents and they had dinner with him and his husband quite often. I also was close to his kids and would babysit them here and there.

When James was done, I looked at my team and let out a sigh. "We got this. We're winning and we're gonna do it all together. Get hydrated before getting back out there." I grabbed my extra bottle for my locker and sat beside James.

"You're killing it." James whispered with a smile.

"They're killing it. And maybe a little of me." I grinned.

"Landon and the kids wanna have dinner Sunday night, if you're free. They're calling it your victory dinner."

"Of course I'm free."

"Good. I think Landon would hunt your ass down and drag you to our house if you said no."

I chuckled and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "I'd love to see that."

James let out a laugh.

The crowd erupted with cheering and clapping as Kol threw the ball down and the score went up as the clock reached zero.

A shiver ran up my spine as the loud speakers roared, "And number seven, Kol Paraon has scored the winning touchdown for Mount View!"

We won. We Fucking won and we were playing in the championship game next Friday.
There wasn't any stopping the massive grin that spread across my face. I looked like a five year old on an early Christmas morning.
While my team picked up Kol as the school flooded the field, I snuck off to see my friend and my parents.

The four of them plus Lyra were standing at the bottom of the bleachers. Teddy grinned when he saw me and broke out into a jog, his arms wrapped around me as he hugged me.
I let out a laugh and hugged Teddy back. "You did it, Man! You killed it out there. My superstar."

"Thanks, Man." I squeezed him before pulling away and hugging my mom.

"My baby won." She kissed my cheek. "I'm so so proud of you

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