Chapter Seventy Five

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"Baby, I want to go to your game. But I have to cover the shift. Teddy's at the game too."

"What are their numbers?" He sat up, the blanket falling down his bare torso as his arm reached for the nightstand.

"You are not calling them. Or texting them."

"They're both not sick. They're fucking. So give me their numbers unless they want to be the main contributing cause to us not winning tomorrow because you aren't there."

"You'll be fine without me. You used to do it."

"Hardly." He handed me his phone with a text already open.

"River. They're sick." He narrowed his eyes on me. "She has a boyfriend."

"That has never stopped a man before. Especially not a teenage boy. I've been on both ends."

"Have you?" I raised a brow at him.

"I've been the one being cheated on and the one sleeping with a taken girl."

"Was that part of your mysterious three way?

"I knew you were listening." His lips curled into a smirk. "I knew you wanted to know more."

"I don't want to know more."

"Give me their numbers."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I love you, and I want to support you. But I also have to do my job."

He had the stupidest of smiles on his adorable face. "Numbers, Baby."

When he finally got Lexi and Jonathan's numbers, they both sent him to voicemail after a couple of rings.

After his third call, Jonathan finally picked up. River kissed my forehead before going to his closet.

I sat up, running my hand through my hair.

My phone soon buzzed with two texts as River exited his closet. "You're coming to the game. They are certainly not sick. He was getting head over the phone."

"Why do you know that?" I scrunched up my nose.

"Because he's a sixteen year old boy who doesn't know how to act on the phone when his dick is in someone's mouth."

River had answered his phone a few times while we were in the middle of something, and he acted as if nothing was happening. It was kind of hot, if I'm being honest.

No matter what I do, he somehow is able to repress everything until they're talking and he's on mute or until the phone calls over with.

"So you're coming to my game," He tilted my chin up and kissed me. "You're my good luck charm."

"Mmm. You just want halftime."

"Ask James, you're my good luck charm." He moved a strand of hair away from qmy face, behind my ear. "I wasn't going to continue with Basketball this year."


"It's stupid, I just didn't think we were going to go far with football. If we lost, I wasn't going to come back, let Teddy be team captain for the year. But, we won. And here we are. After you started coming to my games, James said my performance improved. I really just hated that you were at my games so much, I think it motivated me cause I wanted to get blackout drunk."

"Come here," I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. "Thank you. I love you, and I love being at your games."

"I love you, Ly." He whispered. His hand tangled in my hair. "I need you at my games."

By Chance | Book One | (Wattys 2024)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin