Chapter Sixty Six

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"If you stop looking at me like that I'll explain shit to you." I told Teddy blankly as I looked back at the tv.

He sat across from me on the couch in his basement. "You can't just say something like that and expect me to not look at you like that. You don't talk like that."

Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't. But he wasn't helping.

"I've been patient with you, I haven't asked many questions."

"I know. That's why we're talking now."

"What the hell is actually going on with you and Lyra, River?" Teddy crossed his arms as he leaned back against the couch. His shoulders dropped as he relaxed.

I owed him more than answers. I hadn't talked to him about Lyra at all. Even after he found out about what was going on.

And Teddy was being a good friend and not pushing me, but he deserved to know. He was also my best friend.

"It's hard to explain. I haven't been able to find a way to tell you about everything. I mean, how do I tell you that she and I have been hooking up after I made it known I hated her? I wanted her out of this group."

"You don't have to explain yourself. I understand why you guys didn't tell us. I still have questions."

I smiled. "I wouldn't expect any less."

"And you'll be honest?"

I nodded.

Teddy looked back at the tv before looking back at me. "When exactly did it start?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I kissed her a couple times before exams. At the party with August and Ryder. Ryder was making a move on her."

"He was not." Teddy's mouth opened slightly before he started to laugh. "You did not get jealous over Ryder."

"Don't be a dick." I rolled my eyes. "He was making a successful attempt. I had no other choice but to stop it. And Emily pissed me off when we were studying for exams, Lyra was trying to leave. Things happened."



"Does she know about Ivy?"

"She does. She knows about that night."
Teddy asked a few more questions, and carefully listened.

He was more okay with everything than I thought he would have been. He wasn't upset.

Of course he wanted to know what was going on, it wasn't fair to keep him in the dark. Not when Lyra has talked to Sasha.

"What's going on now? I mean, tomorrow February first. Everyone knows you two are a 'thing', ever since your birthday."

"She's mine, Teddy."

And he stared at me again. Hardly blinking, never opening his mouth to say anything.

"I told you to quit looking at me like that."

"You said it again."

I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned forward. "She's mine."

"Is she aware of it?"

She better be.

Because when I was grabbing my stuff, that dickhead tried to talk to Lyra again. He was even reaching for his phone.

Not that he would have gotten anyway.

If my parents had been home that night, I would have actually worried that they heard us.
Well, her.

By Chance | Book One | (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now