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Warning! This chapter contains fluff Reminder Lizzie is 7 months pregnant. This chapter contains a lot of Lizzie x Joel content so readers who really ship this ship ( like me) I really recommend this chapter. Warning! There will be British swearing word, so any British reader, please don't get offended I am not trying to be rude, but if you do find it offensive, please tell me and I will change it. There will also be a use a car in this story. I will tell you the rest of my lore in the next chapter.
Lizzie woke up startled at the movement of her swollen stomach, she looked down and noticed that the baby was kicking
softly, "Joel! she's kicking!"
Joel woke up to make sure Lizzie was ok, "what happened?"
"She kicked!" Lizzie exclaimed,
"Really!?" Joel replied while placing his hand over her stomach.

Lizzie smiled at gave Joel a kiss on his soft lips, "Can you believe I've been pregnant for 7 months?"
"I been next to your side this whole time, all 7 months, and I will be with you next two, so I truly believe that you have bravery ben doing this for 7 months."
They both kissed each other for a few seconds until Lizzie got up and got ready for the day. Joel did the same right after her, Joel looked at his phone and saw a text from Scott.

Texted began
Scott: hi Joel
Joel: hey
Scott: me and Jimmy been needing to go to the store to go get some supplies for the baby, we were wondering if you and Lizzie could come with us
Joel: I'll ask Lizzie

Text ended
"Hey Lizzie? Scott and Jimmy want to know if we want to go shopping with them."
"Oh sure that sounds like fun! We have nothing else to do," Lizzie replied.
"Ok I will tell them."

Text began again
Joel: yea ok, me and Lizzie are good to go
Scott: ok yay! We were thinking around 5 ish
Joel: that works, see you then

Texting ended
Joel stretched his arm and walked downstairs into the living room, "did you know there is cookies that can help women produce more milk?" Lizzie ask Joel.
"Let me see," Joel told.
Lizzie handed Joel her phone, he looked at the recipe and remembered that they had all the ingredients in the food closet. Joel gave Lizzie back her phone and went to the kitchen, "Joel? What are you doing?"
"Sit down my love, your husband is baking cookies."

Lizzie smirked and walked back over to the sofa, she laughed at Joel frantically running around looking for ingredients.
After a hour of baking, Joel finally finished the cookies for his wife. He grabbed the cookies out off the oven and set them aside, "wow Joel! They look so good!"
"Anything for you."

Lizzie seemed confused, "why are you being kind today?"
"I just want to make sure you are going to have the best last two months of your pregnancy, I know giving birth is going to be difficult for you," Joel explained.
Lizzie smiled, she glad to have a husband who was so supportive, "thank you babe, I really appreciate it, I appreciate you."

Joel hugged her, surprisingly, he felt like he was going to cry, he was extremely worried about her, the doctor told him and Lizzie that she was going to have a very difficult birth, but she was willing to do it, "I love you so much, you are my world."
"I love you too, you are my everything."
Interrupting the romantic moment, Lizzie got a call from Jimmy, she groaned as she went to go pick up the phone. She answered the phone

On phone call
"What?" Lizzie madly answered.
"Are you guys going to get to the store anytime soon?"
"Oh bloody hell! I forgot!" Lizzie yelled
"Clam down it's alright, we can be patient," Jimmy told.
"Thanks, so sorry we will be there right away!"

Phone call ended
"Omg Joel we forgot about Jimmy and Scott!"
Joel looked at Lizzie with a confused expression, "What about Jimmy and Scott-OH that thing! I completely forgot!"
Lizzie nodded and ran to the car, and quickly grabbed her seat belt. Joel locked the door and followed Lizzie into the car.

They drove over to the baby store to go meet Jimmy and Scott. Joel quickly park and opened Lizzie's door, "Hey Scott! Sorry we're late!"
"No need to apologize, it's ok," Scott told while helping lizzie out of the car.
"Well, we're still sorry," Joel replied.
"There you are Lizzie! I was getting worried," Jimmy told.
Lizzie laughed, "well I'm here and fine."

Jimmy smiled, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the store, "Look Lizzie, I really like this white crib, but Scott found a teal crib and is in love."
"Aren't you guys going to have two nurseries? One in Rivendell and one in the cod empire?" Lizzie stated.
Jimmy and Scott sighed, "this is why we need you needed you here Lizzie, you always fix my problems."
"What are big sisters for?"

Jimmy hugged her as he spotted a changing table be-hide her shoulders, "Aww! Look at this!"
After looking and "aww" ing at stuff for a while, Scott and jimmy finally decided on a crib, a changing table, a rocking chair, and a lot of toys. But they got 2 of everything. They brought everything and moved it to the moving truck, "thanks for coming you guys," Jimmy said.
"No problem," Joel replied.
"Anyways, see you tomorrow?" Scott questioned.
"As usual, 2:00," the pink haired girl spoke.

Jimmy and Scott hugged her good bye as they got in their car and drove off. Lizzie and Joel hopped into Joel's car, they rode to mezalea, "I get to try one of your cookies later!" Lizzie told.
"Made from the best baker is all of mezalea," Joel said
"Yea right, probably on of your citizens make better cookies. But I bet your cookies are delicious."

Joel smiled as he pulled in to the drive way. He opened her doors and walked her inside, he sat her down on a chair. Lizzie smiled as she grabbed a cook and placed it in her mouth, "mhm Joel! This are amazing!"
"Glade you like them."
She kissed him and walked over to the bedroom, she tried and decided to go to bed early. Joel was also tired and went with her to the bedroom. They laid down while cuddling each other and quickly fell asleep.

With Jimmy and Scott
"So Jimmy, I know that you are going to hate to hear this, but I have to go to my empire tonight..." Scott said,
"But why! You know I have to stay at my empire today because of the movers!" The blonde boy wined.
"Exactly! The movers are also going to my empire and I need to see them."
"Ugh fine, but text me when you get home, ok?" Jimmy demanded.
"I will, love you!" Scott assured.

Jimmy gave him a kiss as Scott drove off to Rivendell. Jimmy sighed as he dragged himself to his room, he turned on his tv to the news to see what was going on, "this is so boring, why am I watching this."
He turned the tv off and glared at the wall, he slowly started to fall asleep only after a few minutes. Even though he wasn't even tired, he wasn't able to wake up when he got a text from Scott.

With Scott
He chuckled at the fact that jimmy didn't respond, "he was the one who wanted me to text him and he didn't even answer."
Scott was tired so it was very easy for him to fall asleep. He was so exhausted after having to move the stuff out of the truck, but he knew he had to get it done, since there was only 2 more months left...

Note from author:
I hope you like this chapter!
I kinda rushed it just because I am very excited to write the next two chapters.
Next chapter will be explaining all my lore.
Thank you for reading this chapter! Vote if you enjoyed

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