I wanna know!!

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Warning! This chapter contains fluff. Reminder, Lizzie is on her third month of pregnancy
(Just so you know PLEASE don't be afraid to comment, I really want to know how you like this story!)
Joel yawned as he got out of his bed. He looked at his sleeping wife who for once finally got some sleep. He lent over and gave Lizzie a kiss on the forehead, she woke up and looked at her sleepy, but handsome, husband. "Good morning,"
"Good morning wife." Joel softly replied, "How did you sleep?"
"Glad to hear," Joel chuckled as he stroked her pink hair.
Lizzie was about to kiss him when she heard her phone ring. She sighed and rolled her her eyes and picked up her phone. She was even more "thrilled" to see it was brother Jimmy.

(She answered the phone)
She reluctantly answered it, "Yes?"
"Are you guys getting ready yet?" Jimmy questioned.
"No, why?"
"Did you forget? You have your doctors appointment today! We will finally get to know the gender!" Jimmy explained.
A smile finally appeared on her face, "Oh yeah, guess I forgot. But you also forgot something."
"You told Scott that you would wait until the baby was born to know the gender," Lizzie replied with a smirk.
"I didn't forget. If Scott wants to wait until the baby is born, then he can wait. But I really want to know the gender now!" Jimmy wined.
"Alright then, see you soon."
"See you soon."
(Call ended)

Lizzie hung up and told Joel what they were going to do. It turns out that he completely forgot as well. They got dressed and went to go meet Scott and Jimmy at the medical center.

They saw Scott and Jimmy walking to them. Lizzie happily went over to hug her brother. Jimmy was a bit nervous hugging her sense he didn't want to hurt her or the baby but decided to make Lizzie happy and hugged her, "Hi Lizzie!"
"Hi Jimmy!"
"How are you feeling?" Scott as the girl.
"Oh good!" Jimmy exclaimed.
"We got to on inside before we're late," Joel added.

Scott and Jimmy nodded as they walked inside of the medical center. They only had to wait for about 15 minutes until the nurse let them inside, "Lizzie, you may step inside now."
"Ok," Lizzie replied while walking in to the room.
"You guys go on in, me and Scott will be right there," Jimmy told.
Scott looked at jimmy confused on why they didn't go in, "What's wrong Jimmy?"
"I have something to tell you or should I say, ask you."
Scott looked worried, "Ok, is there something wrong?"
"No, I have decided that I REALLY want to know the gender of our baby, today, if that's okay with you?"

Scott laughed, "to think I got worried about that, of course you can know, you don't have to do everything I do, alright?"
Jimmy giggled, "Alright,"
Scott gave him a kiss and went inside of the room. Lizzie was already on the table waiting impatiently, "There you guys are, I was waiting for you Jimmy,"
Jimmy laughed, "Sorry, didn't think it was THAT long,"
"Are you guys ready to know the gender?" The doctor asked.
They all nodded, "I will go wait outside," Scott replied.

Scott walked out side long the doctor told them the gender. He heard the screams of joy in the room as he laughed thinking about how happy Jimmy was, "is it ok if I come in now."
"Yea," Joel opened the door.
Jimmy looked at his beloved husband with tears streaming down his cheeks. Scott gently wiped the tears away, "Are you sure you don't want to know?"
"I'm sure Jimmy," Scott assured.
Jimmy giggled as he gave Scott a kiss.

The doctor asked Lizzie and Joel a few more questions before letting them go. They signed out and made their next appointment, "how about at 6:00 we all go meet for dinner," Joel suggested.
"Yes, let's do that," Jimmy squealed.
"Alright then, see you soon!" Lizzie replied.

Lizzie and Joel flew off in to the distance as Jimmy and Scott decided what to do, "Oh no, I forgot that I have to go meet Xornoth and Joey for lunch!" Scott shouted.
"Well then get going, I have to go do some stuff and me empire anyways,"
"Ok then, love you."
"Love you to Scott."

Jimmy swam back to his empire as Scott flew to the lost empire in a rush. Jimmy then got ready to go out for dinner. He also had to feed the cod in his empire. He gazed at the cod swimming around with their family, he thought about Scott and jimmy holding their baby for the first time. He knew he was going to be the best dad that he could possibly be, he didn't want to be anything like his dad who just straight up abandoned him. He was going to tell them that they are the most special thing to him and won't let anyone tell them different. Scott flew in to his empire after coming back from lunch. They both got ready and meet Lizzie and Joel at the restaurant. They arrived at the restaurant and ate a delicious meal. The two left around 8:30 and went back to Rivendell. They turned on the tv and sat on the couch watching their favorite show.

"Yea hun?"
"While flying back from dinner, I decided that I actually wanted to know the gender..."
Jimmy looked at him with shock, "Really? Scott is actually changing his mind for once?"
"Don't act like you so surprised, I wanna know!" He wined.
"But I thought you said that you don't have to do anything I do," Jimmy teased.
"Never said that. But just please tell me! I dying to know!" Scott pled.

"Fine," Jimmy sighed.
Scott's face lite up, "Ok! What's the gender!"
"The baby is a girl!" Jimmy squealed.
Scott basically started to cry with over joy, "Omg!"
"We're going to have a daughter Scott! A daughter!"jimmy screamed.
The squeezed each other as the cried tears of joy. After all that excitement, Jimmy fell asleep on Scott chest as the cyan haired boy also fell asleep. Scott was still in shock that the baby was a girl but was able to get some form of sleep.

Note from author:
Thank you so much for reading this chapter!
Let me know if you were able to guess the gender right!
Hope you liked this chapter!
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