We need a name...

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Reminder: Lizzie is 6 months pregnant. In this story Xornoth is still a nice human warning there will be fluff in this chapter.
Jimmy lied in bed as he rolled over and crushed Scott. Scott woke up when he felt him self almost get pushed off the bed. He tried to softly move Jimmy put ended up waking him up, "Is there something wrong Scott?" Jimmy softly asked.
Scott laughed, "Yeah, you almost pushed me off."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I slept horribly last night."

"It's ok. Why didn't you sleep well?" Scott questioned.
Jimmy sighed, "I just had something on my mind that I couldn't stop thinking about."
"What was it?" Scott asked.
"I was just thinking that Lizzie is already 6 months pregnant and we still don't have a name!"
Scott laughed, "Jimmy sweetie, we still have 3 months until she is born! Don't worry!"
"I know! But three months go by fast! By the time that we finally think of one, she will already be born!"
"You are really over thinking this, it will be ok. To make you feel better we can start thinking of the name today."
Jimmy smiled, "I guess that makes me feel better."
"I'm glad," Scott hugged him.

Jimmy gave him a kiss before he got out of bed to get ready for the day. Scott got up and followed Jimmy around as he gave suggestions for the name to him, "to be honest honey, I don't really have a name."
"Well how about we will have 4 hours to think of a name and then we tell each other after the four hours," Scott thought.
"Can we go ask others for names?"
"Yea, if you want to go ask another ruler for names you can," Scott replied.
"Ok, how many names can we have?"
"Only two?! What if I think of a million!" Jimmy screeched.
"Well then you can only choose two of the million," Scott told.
Jimmy rolled his eye, "fine, but if I have three very good names, I giving three!"
"That's fine with me. The four hours start now!"

Jimmy ran over to his elytra and grabbed some fireworks as he flew over to Lizzie's empires. Scott laughed at the fact that Jimmy was so desperate to quickly get a name, he knew that they need to think of a name but he also knew that he was going to let jimmy decide the name. He walked over to his elytra and took some fireworks from the basket and flew over to joey's were Xornoth was staying. He flew over to the lost empire to talk to Xornoth and Joey, "hi Scott!" Joey exclaimed.

"Hey Joey, is Xornoth here?"
Joey smiled, "yea. XORNOTH! YOUR BROTHER HERE'S."
"COMING!" He yelled back, "hi brother."
"Hi, how you doing?" Scott asked.
"Good, what brings you here?"
"So me and Jimmy both decided that we need a name for the baby... we both spilt up to go asked other for help, Jimmy went to go ask Lizzie and joel, I went to go ask you." Scott explained.

Xornoth sighed, "Oh ok, what's the gender? You never told me."
"Oh sorry, the baby is a girl."
Joey interrupted, "omg congratulations!"
"Thanks Joey!" Scott exclaimed.
Xornoth chuckled, "I'm going to have a niece... who would've thought."
"Well I knew so. Hurry up and help me think of a name I only have 3 hours and 30 minutes left!"
"Oh so your on a timer now?"
"Yea! We only had four hours to think of a name!" Scott replied .

"Well that sucks for you. So did you want a name of one of your family members?"
"Maybe, it depends who it is named after. I was thinking to name her a name close to Lizzie but not exactly Lizzie." Scott told, "we would have named her Elizabeth, but the name starts with a 'E' and after meeting jimmy and Lizzie's mother named Edith, we don't want Edith thinking we named her after her."
"I get it, wouldn't want to name my child after a terrible person. How after you name her Fiona, after mom."
"Ehh, I would like to name her a Scottish name."
"How about Kristen?" Xornoth offered.

"Isn't that kinda random? I mean I don't know a single person named Kristen, plus I don't really like it."
"Ugh, how about Ailsa? For short, you could call her Lisa, and Lisa starts with a 'L' and Lizzie also starts with a 'L'."
"Ailsa... I love it! Thank you! I am going to head back home." Scott described.
"Glad you have a name, get home safe."
"I will, bye Xornoth, bye Joey!"
"Bye Scott! Thanks for stopping by." Joey replied

Scott flew off back to Jimmy's empire to wait for Jimmy to arrive back home. He laid down on the sofa and turned on the tv. It didn't take long until he feel asleep because he was so tired.

With Jimmy
"Lizzie! Please stop delaying! I really need help with a name!" Jimmy begged.
Lizzie sighed, "I not delaying, I'm thinking."
"Well what name were you thinking of?" Joel asked.
"I want a name that starts with 'L' for Lizzie." Jimmy replied.
"Aww, thank you Jimmy! What about Lia?" Lizzie suggested.
"Lia, I like that! I going to go back home now but that thank you so much!"
"Your welcome, be careful getting home," Lizzie said as she went to go hug him.
"Ok! Bye!"

Jimmy went back home in a rush hoping that Scott was there. Lucky, he was but he was asleep. Jimmy ran into the house and quickly woke Scott up, "hey Jimmy? Do you have a name?"
"I only have the best!" Jimmy screamed.
"Ok can I say my name first?" Scott asked.

"So I went to go ask Xornoth and he gave me the best the name! Ailsa! For short, Lisa! And it's Scottish!" Scott explained.
"Omg I love ailsa! Let me tell u mine, I went to Lizzie's and joel's, Lizzie thought of the name Lia and I really liked it!" Jimmy exclaimed, "this is so hard!"
"How about this..." Scott lent over and whispered into Jimmy's ears a name.
"I love it... that's what I want to name my girl," jimmy smiled.
"Me to..." Scott gently laid a kiss and blonde haired boy.
Jimmy smiled, "I love you so much."
"I love you to~"

They fell asleep on the sofa cuddling each other on the sofa happy to knwo that they have a beautiful name for their beautiful daughter.

With Lizzie and Joel
"I wonder if they have a name yet," Lizzie asked.
"Knowing Jimmy, he wouldn't sleep until he knew what it was going to be," joel replied
"Yea your probably right," Lizzie yawned.
"You look tried, let's get you to bed."
Before Joel could say any more Lizzie was already passed put on the couch. Joel sighed and decided to just let Lizzie sleep on the couch instead of having to wake her up. He grabbed a blanket and laid it over Lizzie and grabbed his pillow and put it on the floor next to the couch. He feel asleep next to Lizzie glad to know she was fast asleep.

Note from author:
This took way to long to come out and I deeply apologize.
This was also very rushed but I wanted to get you guys something to read.
And I am sorry I left you on cliff hanger but I promise you will know the name once she is born.
Hope you liked this chapter!
Vote if you enjoyed!

One Big FavorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora