I nodded as River sat back down and Teddy took his spot next to Sasha.

Peter looked around, his broad shoulders dropping in relief.

"Your turn," David told him.

"Never have I ever...gotten a tattoo."

The four of us picked up our drinks, along with David before throwing back the liquids.
I knew the three of them had tattoos, I had seen a few on their arms, and Sasha had some on her back. While theirs were larger pieces, mine were tiny and hidden. One behind my ear, on my side, and on my elbow.

Sasha's eyes went wide over the bloodshot. "You have tattoos?"

I nodded and moved my hair away from my ear, showing her the red butterfly that sat there.

"I love it." She grinned and brushed her fingertip against the small lines. "Do you have more?"

I nodded, I'd show her eventually.

After Jenna's turn, we decided to quit the game and drink a bit before going upstairs to dance.
I hardly made it up the stairs as Sasha and I held on to each other while Teddy and River were close behind us.

"Teddy, you better connect your phone." Sasha slurred as we got upstairs, the lighting was blue now, and the music filled our ears as we made it through the sweaty bodies to the middle of the room.

River came with us as Teddy disappeared. He helped us push through to get to the middle of the large room.

The music changed, playing Who Gonna Stop Us Now  as the lighting flickered to purple.
Sasha grabbed my hands in hers, her fingers lacing with mine as she leaned in and moved to the music. And in this moment, this very moment, was the first time I didn't care. I moved to the music, laughing and giggling with her as the music blared and River stayed close by us.

My body moved close to Sasha's as the song got louder and warm bodies pressed against us. Sasha took my hand, and twirled me so my back was to her, our fingers still laced together. Her free hand went to my waist as our bodies moved to the music. Nothing else mattered in this moment, we were having fun. Carefree fun that I so desperately desired, because nothing else existed at this moment.

Tons of voices sung along with the song as I let loose, not caring about anyone who watched us or who was around us.

I turned back to face Sasha who had her head hung back as her slim body moved with the music before it switched to Often.

Sasha's face lit up and a devilish grin spread across her lip. My grin matched hers as she pulled me closer.

The dark purple lights glistened off of her glowing face and makeup. She looked even more beautiful than she usually did, she was so carefree, and in this moment, I wasn't me and she wasn't her. At this moment, we could actually be friends. In the world we were in at this moment, we had a chance. We weren't so different. I wasn't me, and she wasn't someone who should hate me and want nothing to do with me.

All my worries slowly disregarded as the memorising voice of the Weeknd sent a warmth through my body, making me feel euphoric. Thanks to my drink and high state, I was beyond relaxing and able to move freely.
It all came to a crash end as I felt someone rub up against me, grinding their hard cock against my ass.

Shock spread through my body and before I could whip around I felt someone grab me by the back of my belt and pull me towards them.

I let out a low squeal and tilted my chin up , looking up to find River. He had the collar of some freshman in his other hand. The freshman looked like he thought River was going to kill him as he squirmed.

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