Chapter 3: I Need A Glass Of White Wine Now

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When I woke up, I've slept for three hours and I'm having some pain. It wasn't as bad it was like menstrual cramps.

I looked around to see Daniel, he was looking in my direction. Even from the distance, you could see he got Val's eyes. They were shining brightly.

Nurse Miranda smiled and walked in. "How are you feeling?" She asked, looking over Daniel then me.

"I'm good, do you know where my fiancé is?" I asked, sitting up a little.

"Yes, he's in the lobby with a couple of friends.. and this is for you." She handed me my phone. She walked to Daniel and pulled the homestretch to me.

"I'll leave you to bond and I'll bring you some papers for your keepsake." Miranda smiled and walked out.

Leaning over, I took Daniel into my arms and I could feel a relief in my body. Everything was falling into place.

"Look who isn't so red anymore.." I whispered to him, running a finger down his face softly. "who dressed you little man?"

There was a knock on the door the Nurse Miranda walked back in. "Sorry to interrupt." She smiled.

"It's okay.." I smiled, watching her carefully.

"Okay.." She smiled, walking towards him. "This is a second set of his footprints that we made for you. This is a complimentary birth certificate but your real one will be mail as well as his social security." She rested them on the bedside table. "Doctor wonders if you'd want your son circumcised?"

"No.." I shook my head then looked down at him. "No thank you.."

She nodded and walked out the room. Daniel was slowly falling asleep. You could see him closing his eyes briefly then opening them once more.

I took a quick photo and placed my phone on the bed. He closed his eyes once more and drifted off to sleep. Placing him in the homestretch, I grabbed my phone and posted the phone on Instagram and Twitter.

welcome to the world , my baby Daniel Sebastian Chmerkovskiy. Born at 1:37 pm , Saturday March 20, 2015. baby boy almost has eyes like his daddy 💚

I place my phone down and looked at the door to see Jenna, Mark and Derek walking in. They had balloons and two teddy bears.

"Holy Crap, wifey." She smiled, handing the stuff to Mark and ran towards me, hugging me tightly. She turned to Daniel and smiled. "He's gorgeous."

Mark walked towards me and handed my the teddy bears, then placed a kiss on my cheek. "10 hours?" He laughed, sitting on bed. "That's hella intense!"

"I know.." I laughed, looking over at Derek who was tying the ballon to the door. He finally finished and looked over at me.

"Now, we were stuck in that waiting room for a long time and I'm pretty sure it's worth it." He smiled and looked over at Daniel.

"Hmm.. I need a glass of white wine, Now.."

They all turned to look at me and laugh.

"you really are something else.." Derek shook his head, sitting on the other side of the bed.

"That's why you all love me.."

a/n: sorry for shortness but she's out the hospital in the next chapter.. xx

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