Chapter 8: A Scandalous Type Of Relevation!

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"Okay, we'll take a break!" Marlene smiled as we all walked off.

I walked to craft services and grabbed a iced bottled water, Lucy came besides me and smiled brightly.

"How's baby Daniel doing?" She asked, grabbing a bottle of apple juice.

"He's doing great, he says he miss you.." I smiled as we walked to the front. "You need to come see him another day."

"I'll try.." She nodded.

Grabbing my purse, I looked back at her and nodded. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Where are you going? That's it for you tonight?" Lucy asked, looking at her phone.

"Yeah, I have a full shooting day and night tomorrow so this was a wrap for me.."

"Ah, you're so lucky! I don't leave until 1 in the morning but I'll see you tomorrow J!" Lucy said, before walking away.

The drive home was silent, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was have an nice long nap.

I stopped at Starbucks and got a smoothie before pulling up to my driveway. Val was here and I thought he'd be working.

Walking inside, I noticed a coat and heels on my couch. Those definitely weren't mine, shit.. Quietly, I moved up the stairs and opened my room door.

I'm gonna be chill, Janel breathe in before you kill both of them. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture of it then pushed it back into my pockets.

"What a sight to see.." I bursted, watching them both turn in horror. "You're such a bitch Brie! You are no longer a bridesmaid.. Wait there is no wedding!"

I walked down the stairs and threw the coat and shoes out the door then waited for them. Val came down stairs frantically.

"J, please don't leave me!"

"Get out..." I mumbled, crossing my arm.

"Wait, what?"

"I said, get out. Take Brie and get the fuck out! In my fucking bed Val, In our home. Oh my god, this wasn't the first time was it? I should've known you were lying! Get out! Get out! get the fuck out!"

Val looked at me once more before grabbing his keys and walking out. Brie came soon, buttoning up her top.

"Janel, I'm so-"

I lifted my hand and slapped her, she knew exactly what she was going - trying to reflect all the blame on Val.

"You're married, Brie! A husband, three kids and two dogs.. Why do you have to come and sleep with Val? My fiancé?"

She kept her hand on her cheek where I slapped her. Brie kept her eyes on the ground, never looking back up at me.

"Goodbye, you can get the hell out. Oh and girl, these are my shoes.. But keep em.."

I slammed the door closed and walked up to my bedroom. My heart, it was throbbing but it was usual. I threw the sheets off and placed new ones on.

This was horrible, I tossed the sheets in the trash then took a quick shower. There was no need to even cry about this.

Taking the ring off, I threw it in my makeup bag and walked out. Daniel was gonna be with my mom until tomorrow morning.

Perfect.. perfect..

I was shaving my legs when the doorbell rang. Quickly, I tied the robe on my body and walked down the stairs.

"Artem! Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, letting him inside. "Maks sent me to get some papers then a pack of beer he left."

I laughed and walked into the kitchen, collecting up some papers and placing them into the envelope and sealing it.

"Here's that and the beer is in the fridge."

Artem looked down at my hands and gave me a questionable look. I slowly placed my hand into my pocket, looked around nervously.

"Okay... I'll see you later.." He walked towards the front door. "You know you can always talk to me right?"

He looked into my eyes and I couldn't bring myself to look away. It was mesmerizing, not as pulling as Val's but good enough for me.

a/n: Val can never stay faithful can he? But that's what cool about writing! You make the characters change and grow up, ya!

So, I felt in the first book Val did the regular saying the wrong thing and being dumb but not the cheating .. So here & don't worry they be together soon!

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