Chapter 19: Double Trouble In Another Country (2)

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if my reads and comments keep going down :( I'll just take a break from this story :( I've written all the way to chapter 26 .. okay loves ):)

Vancouver is literally beautiful, I could never get over it. The weather, the people, the sights. Just everything about this place screamed beautiful!

I was going through my last hour of filming, Val and Mark had stayed at the hotel while Jenna came along with me.

"Janel? You have your last scene. Let's get you through hair and makeup now." Lisa smiled, grabbing my arm.

Once I sat down, she started with my make up--Courtney came a few seconds later and started doing my hair.

"This set is so much fun." Jenna smiled, coming up beside me. "The people here are so loving a fun. Your cast mates are the best and the crew.. Can I join?"

Smiling, I glanced towards her and shrugged. "if you can be a mysterious bitch with a whole bunch of secrets then yes."

Courtney and Lisa both laughed as they finished my makeup and hair. "Okay, you're all good. You can go now Janelly." Lisa smiled.

"Thanks Court and Lis, you two are the best." I hugged them both before walking back towards the front. Jenna right behind me.

"Okay Janel, you're up next with Brant for a flashback scene then a little later with Brandon for another flashback." Nor stated as I got into the room.

"J-Mel!" Brant smiled, handing his script to Mathew. I handed my engagement ring to Jenna then we started the scene.

"Okay! And scene!" Nor yelled. "Okay, you two did amazing. We'll be back in California to do the rest of that scene. Someone get me Brandon and the Infamous Officer Wilden?"

This is how it went on for about an hour, they extended to another hour so when I finally finished, it was around three in the morning.

Lisa had wiped off all my makeup and I grabbed my bags. Jenna was passed out on the couch--no wonder that's what I wanted to do.

After grabbing food from craft services, I woke her up and waited until she could clearly process everything.

"Are you ready to go now Jen?" I asked, eating some of the granola bar I had. "Come on, let's get to the hotel."

In the car, Jenna was finally awake and on her phone. "hey, where'd you get the granola bar? Do you have any more?"

Of course, I knew she would want one so I pulled one out of my purse and handed it to her-- watching her face light up entirely.

We got to the hotel at around five in the morning, I walked into the elevator and leaned on the wall to keep myself from falling.

"I'm so exhausted, I have five cups of coffee in the last three hours.." I mumbled when we got to our floor.

"In the last three hours? How much did you have overall today?" Jenna asked as we walked down the hallway.

"I stopped counting after my eight one." I mumbled as she opened the room door. "But it's not so bad cause I had a nap during hour six."

"Wow, that's really intense.. She shook her head and closed the door behind me.

It was quiet in the suite so that meant the guys were asleep. Jenna walked into their room and they were asleep.

I walked back into our room and into the bathroom. My shower made me feel even sleepier that before.

After getting out, I put on my shorts and my be yonće shirt on. Brushing my teeth, my eyes were practically shutting.

Quickly, I rinsed and stumbled onto my bed. Just a couple hours. I'll be up by seven am..

When I woke up, it twelve o'clock in the afternoon. I had seven hours of sleep which was beautiful.

Turning on my side, Jenna was watching what looked like game of thrones on her laptop while eating a sandwich.

Jenna had her headphones on so, I threw one of my pillows at her making her jump. She looked at me then took her headphones off.

"Morning Jelly, sleep well?" She smiled, sitting up and looking at me carefully. "You were out cold for so long-- I thought you were dead."

"well, I'm alive and I'm starving now." I mumbled, pulling my hair into a ponytail. "where are Val and Mark?"

"I don't know.. why should I care?" Jenna mumbled, putting the screen to her laptop down harshly.

"Jenna, calm down it was just a question." I mumbled and got up out the bed. "No need to be butt hurt wifey."

Jenna shrugged and got up off the bed, she walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry wifey. Its just so stressful." Jenna sighed, rubbing my back. "Let's go find those idiots."

"of course, they're probably eating like pigs." I laughed and walked out to the living room with Jenna.

they weren't in there, we looked around confused then sighed.

"Okay, I'll go shower and get dressed then we can go out for breakfast." I said, walking into our room.

I quickly showered and washed my hair, once I finished I dried off and did the same with my hair.

"ugh, where's my make up.." I groaned, finding it and quickly doing my makeup.

Once I finished, I walked out and found my open suitcases. Jenna was dressed in a white crop top with black leather jacket, black skinnies and my new combat boots. I was pulling on a classic black camisole, my camouflage pants and my timberland's.

"I love that you're wearing my new combat boots.." I laughed, standing up and grabbed my phone off the bed. "they're in the lobby waiting for us.." I stated, reading Val's text.

We grabbed our purse and walked out to
the lobby. I was focused on my phone when we got to the main floor.

Holy crap, was all I could think of when I looked up. mark had a huge sign in his hand while Val held balloons and flowers.

Jenna, will you go out with me? written in big letters. I looked over at her, she was in shock before nodding and running
towards him.

Val winked at me and I smiled back. they honestly will be the second cutest couple.. me and Val will be forever first.

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