14.5 | Stars and Freedom

Start from the beginning

"If only I had taught you how to use your quirk instead of making you suppress it, then maybe things will turn out differently...It pains me to know that it was Goro that taught you of your quirk's true power, and not me... Kenji, kiddo, sunshine, you're my son, you're no monster or villain. You are my son, and that's enough of a reason for me to be by your side always. Things will be different from now on, I promise, your dad will teach you everything you need to know and Hua will train you as well. We'll do anything for your forgiveness, even though we don't deserve it, we'll do everything to help you." Kyoujurou spoke, sitting beside his son as he pulls him into a hug. Kenji bit his lip, hesitant on what he wants to say as a million voices overwhelmed his thoughts; what should he say? What does he need? Does he still hate them?

A million questions in his head until he breathes, a sudden clarity in his head before he opened his mouth, "I want you both to leave." He said, a heartbreaking request yet a reasonable one. Kenji tried to keep his tears in, but some spilled out as he gripped the sheets of his bed tight, "I need some time away from you two." Kenji said, Kyoujurou and Hua looked at each other, nodding that this was the right course of action. They both stood up, Kyoujurou was the first to leave, looking back at his son before leaving the room; Hua stayed a bit longer, kissing Kenji's forehead, "Come talk to us when you're ready, Kenji." Hua said as she leaves the room.

Now it's just Kenji, his thoughts, and his quirk in one room. It sucks, but he wanted to be alone—he wanted to be away from the roots of his problems—even if it was painful to ask to be alone. But still, Kenji wanted someone to be with, so he grabbed his phone as he scrolled through his contacts, wiping away any tears as he sniffled, until he sees Izuku's name. He pondered for good while but he remembered that Izuku was injured and probably needed some time to recover his stamina. He spotted Kirishima's name, and although Kirishima is a great friend and hype man, Kenji doesn't feel comfortable enough to confide with him just yet. Same goes with Mina, Uraraka, Iida, and Jiro.

So he goes back to square one as he dials a number. It took a while, the line was ringing as Kenji played with a cat-like hate monster, until the a voice erupted from the static. "The hell you want?" "Suki! Is it okay...if I stay over at your place...?" "Tch, for how long?" "Until I'm ready to talk to my dad again." And after that it was silence, Kenji could tell that Katsuki was thinking, "Hang on, let me ask the old hag." Kenji heard Katsuki's muffled footsteps leave the room, hearing Katsuki and Mitsuki's muffled screaming, until he heard Katsuki walk back to the call, "She said stay as long as you need." "Thank you Katsuki, you're the best! I'm on my way!" Kenji said as Katsuki ended the call.

Kenji stands up and grabs his bag as he opens the door, slowly before hearing a distant discussion just in the corner, he sent out a small hate monster disguised as a fly to eavesdrop on the discussion. "We messed up big time Hua..." It was his dad, "Indeed you have you two!" That sounded like Nezu! "Principal Nezu! What brings you here?" Hua asked and Nezu chuckles, "My student was in danger, is it not appropriate for me to visit him?" Nezu replied, "Sorry principal, he's not in the mood right now. He had us leave him be for some alone time." Kyoujurou said, as Kenji closes the door quietly. "I know that. But, as his educator, I must assist him in his journey to become a great hero." Nezu said and Kyoujurou sighed, "I thought I was guiding him in his journey at first, but really I was only holding him back; scared for him." Kyoujurou admits as he sat down on the couch. "You shouldn't be afraid for or of him Kyo! What he needs is to be independent, he needs to have self-belief and some confidence, if he doesn't believe that he can control his quirk, then he truly will not have control over his quirk! He can sense your emotions no? If he feels that you are afraid, his anxieties and insecurities will make it worse for him!" Nezu stated as Kyoujurou looked at the ground. "Kenji is at that age in life where he doesn't want someone to constantly watch over him, what he needs from you two as his guide is to guide him from afar, let him take flight on his own for once, or else he will never learn how to fly at all!" Nezu continued.

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