I'm so sorry-TS (part2)

Start from the beginning

"see and all Done Y/n! you have a very good heart." Dr tells the Toddler on my lap but I can't help but let out a sigh of relief knowing that there is nothing wrong with her heart.
"Now I am going to measure your blood pressure, this will feel like a tight hug around your arm and if it starts to hurt you can cry as much as you want, just stay nice and still for me ok?" Dr tells us both, strapping the machine onto her tiny arm
My Mom had to step outside to take a phone call.
"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," Y/n says frantically panicking.
"It's ok, your ok." I calmly tell her wrapping one of my arms carefully around her torso as she starts to cry as the machine tightens.
"A few more minutes Y/n. you're being so brave!" Dr Parker encourages
"And finished! high-five!" she exclaims ripping the strap off my daughter and giving her a high-five. Y/n instantly turns and latches onto me in the biggest hug ever which I return, using my thumbs to wipe her tears off her cheeks and then gently kissing both of them. The doctor was typing the updated info onto the computer when she said it was time to see if she had gained weight. I hop off the bed and place Y/n on the floor taking hold of her hand and walking her to the scale, this is something I've never wanted to do as a parent. This is something I never wanted my daughter to see, I never want my daughter to even think about her weight since I know what it's like to struggle with it. Even looking at it on the ground sends shivers down my spine.

I help Y/n step up onto the scale and then let go of her hand to get the most accurate reading. My Mom enters the room again clearly as anxious as I am.
"All Done Y/n why don't you go and continue to play with those toys." Dr-Parker seriously states this can't be good I feel my heart drop. I sit down in the chair next to my Mom which puzzles Y/n as I'm not playing with her but I think I'm going to need my Mom's support for this news.
"Momma? come play with me!" Y/n says patting my leg
"In a minute Baby." I gently tell her to disguise the fear in my voice. I grab my mom's hand bracing myself for the news.

"So unfortunately Y/n is going to need a feeding tube put in," she states. I feel a tear fall from my eye but I quickly hide it so Y/n doesn't see but she's too deep in her little play world. I place my hand on my heart terrified. Is she sick? will she get better? God, I hope she isn't dying or something.
"her weight and iron etc levels just aren't where they should be for her age but this is a good thing it means we have a good plan of action and the chances of a full recovery are exactly 98%. It will only be until her numbers improve," she reassured me and I release the breath I didn't know I was holding.
"This does mean we'll have to admit her into hospital just until you learn how to safely put a feeding tube in her and we know that her body is accepting it." Doctor Parker continues. I still listen but bring my gaze down to my daughter who is peacefully playing on the floor completely oblivious.
"So if guys can come down to the Nashville Children's hospital at around 8 I'll organise for you guys to be all set then okay?" she reads off her computer
"Yep all good." My Mom answers for me I just feel too heartbroken for my daughter, to respond right now.
"Taylor Hun we should go now before there are too many Paps out there." Mom quietly tells me
"Your right," I say again wiping my eyes.
"Thanks so much, Doc." I thank Doctor Parker she gives me a nod and then waves to us as we go to leave.
"come on my pretty girl," I grunt as I lift her gently into my arms placing her head in the crook of my neck. she yawns, it is way past her bedtime so hopefully, she'll sleep in the car we have a long day tomorrow. we exit the Doctor's office and re-enter the waiting room to be met with my security team, who offer us umbrellas and other anti-paps things.
"Mom pass me Y/n/n's coat please." she does and I kneel and do the zipper and buttons up then pick her up into the same position then put a mask on myself and take the umbrella. when we approach the door I quickly open the umbrella using most of it to cover Y/n from the bright flashes I can hear/Know are coming.

the next day cus I don't want it to be crazy long and I'm lazy


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