34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet

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*Sinbad feeling jealous and possessive (this is why I put the kinda yandere tag on AO3) (it will also become a thing for a while so expect to see it tagged here often)
~POV Generals~
What had they just witnessed? Mori waved at them as she left to return to the festival; all the while, the Womanizer of the Seven Seas stared after her instead of paying attention to the women on his lap. No one had expected Mori to flirt with Sinbad to tell him 'no,' but clearly it was affective. All of the Generals knew of the growing soft spot Sinbad was forming for his Prophet, but never had they expected their over confident King to look so lost.

The giant's laugh boomed across the whole platform, Sharrkan whistled, and Yam squealed.

The giant's laugh boomed across the whole platform, Sharrkan whistled, and Yam squealed

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Yam was barely able to contain herself. "The Rukh are going crazy! There's no way he could deny his feelings after that!!! Mori will definitely move into the Purple Leo Tower sooOOoon~!"

Pisti giggled and added. "Why stop there? She should just move straight into King Sinbad's bed."

Sharrkan gestured towards them with his cup. "Here's to you two making winning the bet better for my pockets."

On the first day the Generals met Mori they started placing bets. Would Sinbad realize his feelings before going to the Kou Empire? Would Mori be moved into the Purple Leo Tower as soon as Sinbad realizes? Both women immediately bet that Mori would move into the Purple Leo Tower before the trip to the Kou Empire -Yam because of what she saw in the Rukh, and Pisti because she thought she could push them into it with enough interventions and it was funny to her. Nearly all the Generals placed bets one by one. Sharrkan waited until after the meeting the other day, when he decided on Sinbad not being interested in Mori at all.

Yam yelled at her 'Arch Nemesis,' "What's that supposed to mean??"

"Have you seen our King? If he was actually interested in Mori this would be over already."

"Are you blind??"

Drakon commented at the other table. "He can be very stubborn, but it seems even Sinbad is finally notices the change in himself." The first household member had bet that his King would ultimately figure it out before his trip to the Kou Empire.

Hina mused. "He's like a little kid having a crush for the first time. At least he's mature enough to not pull their hair as he struggles to figure it out." The giant's bet was on Sin not realizing his feelings until after he leaves for the Kou Empire. Their separation would be the trigger.

"True," Drakon agreed, "but he doesn't have the best track record. Sinbad has no experience with a real relationship."

"Ain't that the truth. Still, I'm sure we'll be hearing good news soon."

Drakon smiled and nodded with his old friend.

Pisti yelled, "I have to know what she said!" before following after Mori.

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