03 (Balbadd arc

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The dry dusty air of Balbadd wasn't doing my asthma any favors; it was nothing like the high humidity I was used to back home.

This wasn't a dream. I was definitely Isekaied into Magi. My nearly black hair now shown a deep indigo violet instead of brown, my breasts seemed to forget that I wasn't wearing a bra, and my form was smoothed/simplified- that's anime for you. I wished for a mirror so I could see how my eyes changed or if I still had my freckles.

Since I was actually here I might be able to stop Sinbad from betraying everyone, maybe defeat David without so many casualties, and hopefully prevent the whole ending before it even happens. If I failed, the only people that would be able to fight Sinbad were those with altered Rukh: Alibaba, Judal, Hakuryuu, and Aladdin (and that one Reim prince). That meant the upcoming battle in Balbadd could not be avoided. Alibaba needs to absorb Cassim's Rukh. Aladdin must receive Solomon's Wisdom. Judar has to be shown his past by Aladdin.

I felt sick. Knowing the future was going to make this hurt a lot more. I didn't have time to mourn being unable to go home.

Even if I was successful, wouldn't Sinbad still be a major threat to the rest of the world? His growing influence, greed, responsibilities and mistakes drove him into a "ends justify the means" mentality. So of course, he'd be able to see destroying the world as a reasonable sacrifice. Sinbad was the type that "lived long enough to become the villain." Would saving Sinbad be the right decision? I actually agreed with what Sinbad says as he accepts his death, that he is in the way of the world moving forward on its own.

*Knock knock*

I turned from my small window to look at the door.

Ja'far's voice called through it. "Lady Prophet, King Sinbad would like to talk with you."

I opened the door and followed him.

As I walked behind him, I remembered all of the times Ja'far encouraged his king to dirty his hands even when Sinbad was just seeking understanding that it hurt to do what he was doing. It would only be after Sinbad agreed that the ends justify the means that Ja'far would tell him that he'd follow him anywhere.

It was no surprise that Sinbad would become the person he was at the end when his closest friend and confidant would invalidate his every request to mourn.

It was no surprise that Sinbad would become the person he was at the end when his closest friend and confidant would invalidate his every request to mourn

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Sinbad and Masrur were already seated and talking, but the moment the king spotted us he stood up and greeted me.

I had wanted to keep a cool head after everything I had been thinking about, but Sinbad's smile was melting me. I knew this was probably Sinbad trying to convince me to follow him to Sindria and give him more prophecies, but all it did was make me a different type of nervous.

"She's the one?" Masruru asked without getting up. He stared at me with the same resting bitch face he always had, but instead of being intimidated by the human wrecking ball all I could think about was how much of an adorable munchkin he was during Adventures- and I'd never get the see it.

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