06 (Balbadd arc

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((CW/ partial nudity))

When we entered the hotel, the staff looked nervous. At least they recognized King Sinbad this time. Everyone knew about the battle at this point, and some of us had bandages, so there were no questions about our appearance.

 Everyone knew about the battle at this point, and some of us had bandages, so there were no questions about our appearance

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Some mild pleasantries were shared while they secured their normal rooms. Ja'far added, "We'll be booking two more rooms as well. Both with 2 beds."

"Make that three rooms. Two singles, and one double," Sinbad corrected confidently. At Ja'far's questioning look he explained, "Mori deserves a room to herself, and we can't ask Morgiana to-."

"I don't mind sharing a room with Morgiana," I cut in. It might not be my money, but it still felt like a waste.

"I insist." His smile was unwavering, and being an actual King, Sinbad got his way -not that either of us understood why I needed my own room.

I decided not to look a gifted horse in the mouth. It was only going to be for one night anyway.

A group of maids came to escort us to our rooms. Masrur was with the others and would be able to get them in when they arrived.

Before we started walking, Ja'far turn to me. "Mori, you can give them your coat now so they can start cleaning it." He had a good idea -in theory.

Part of me was surprised that was something the staff of a hotel would do, but I figured he wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't possible. All the same, "I'd rather wait until I get to the room."

"They will take good care of it and will return it to you." Ja'far must have caught my nerves and misinterpreted.

Again words escaped me, so I used my actions. I grabbed the collar of my hoodie with one hand and the zipper tab with the other. I unzipped my hoodie to the bottom of my ribcage. Nothing slipped out, but I was undeniably not wearing anything underneath.

"M-my lady!" Ja'far stammered.

The maids were equally shocked. Sinbad had that sparkle in his eye. I regretted all my life decisions. As a demi-ace I often forget that some people experience sexual attraction just because.

I zipped my hoodie back up quickly and repeated, "I'd rather wait until I get to the room."


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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