Liam smiles softly. "Sounds like a nice plan."

Ian shoots a smile in his direction before looking back onto the road. Within two minutes they park in front of the Tangerine Café. Ian pats Liam on the thigh before removing his hand so he can pull the keys out of the ignition.

They walk inside the small diner and it's empty, just as suspected. There's soft pop music playing quietly in the background and an older woman is sweeping the floors. She smiles at them when they come in and they smile back.

Ian picks the booth by the door, sliding in on one side. Liam sits opposite of him and they both pick up the menus on the table.

After about ten seconds, Ian sighs and puts it down. "I'm just going to get a cheeseburger."

Liam smiles and puts his menu down too. "I think I'll just have the same thing as you."

Ian grins at him. Ian's legs stretch out under the table and trap Liam's between his. Liam doesn't say anything about this and neither does Ian.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Ian asks with a little smirk.

"Like... morally or legally?" Liam furrows his brows. "Or like, what other people would see as the worst?"

Ian shrugs. "I'm not picky."

"Uh, well I guess to some people it would probably be sneaking out my window to go gallavanting in the night with a boy." Liam replies simply, a teasing smile playing on his face.

Ian gasps, bringing his elbow to rest on the table so he can lean his head on it. "How scandalous Liam. Who knew you could be such a trouble maker?"

Liam laughs quietly. "I think you might just be a bad influence."

"Now that's rude." Ian pretends to pout. "And to think I thought you were different than those other snobs. It's clear to see I was wrong."

Liam smiles and opens his mouth to say something. Before he can though, the older woman is walking up to their smile with a soft smile.

"What can I get for you boys today?"

"Can we get two cheeseburgers, nothing but ketchup and pickle, and then one vanilla and one caramel milkshake?" Ian orders without missing a beat. Liam silently thanks him, even though he's feeling loose enough tonight that he probably could've ordered for himself if he had to.

"Of course." The woman smiles after writing it down, picking up the two menus on the table. "We'll have that right out."

She walks back towards the kitchen and Ian looks back over to Liam. He smiles happily, causing Liam to copy his expression. There's such a calming atmosphere to this place, and being here with Ian makes it so much better. Liam loves it.

"If you had to pick one, would you watch a horror movie or a romance?" Ian asks, tilting his head to the side. Liam thinks about it for a second before answering.

"Horror. I get all awkward watching people be intimate on TV. It's just weird." Liam shrugs. Ian nods in seemingly agreement. Liam thinks of a question he can ask back. "If you had to give up your room, would you share a room with Ember or sleep on the couch?"

He's not sure where the question came from but it seems alright. They're not asking serious questions anyway. At least, not yet.

"Couch." Ian answers without any hesitation. He nods as if to confirm his answer. "Ember can be chill but I would not be able to put up with her constant blabbering and choice in TV shows."

Liam chuckles lightly. "You'd have no privacy though."

"I think it's worth the trade off." Ian shrugs. He then smiles a little. "Would you rather be unable to drive for the rest of your life or unable to run?"

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