Chapter 7 - Team Rocket

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The coronation party was being deemed a success. Hundreds of people had come, some supporters of Team Plasma, others simply out of curiosity; they all milled about discussing the notion of changing the way society had lived for thousands of years.

To the side of the audience sat a couple who were keeping to themselves: a man and woman in their twenties. The man had shaggy violet hair and green eyes, while the woman had long, bright-red hair paired with blue eyes; they had flown in from Kanto that morning with the very intent of their trip being the coronation. Their comportment was distinguished and most of the people in attendance presumed they were wealthy donors to Team Plasma, so the two were extended every courtesy. They were accompanied by a Meowth, a cream-furred cat with a glinting gold horn, which sat at their heels.

The three of them kept watch of the table where the Sages sat and when they observed the group of top-ranking Team Plasma members dissipate into the crowd, leaving Ghetsis alone, they approached.

"Mr. Harmonia, my name is James," the man introduced himself, "and this is my companion Jessie..."

The Meowth let out a pointed meow; the two of them gave the cat a sideways glance but it merely narrowed its eyes and coiled its tail about its paws. They turned back to Ghetsis.

"Mr. Harmonia, we would like to talk to you about issues you pointed out in your speech," James began.

"To begin with, you may address me as Ghetsis," said the Team Plasma leader.

"Ghetsis," James affirmed. "We've been thinking about what you said, and it is true that more thought should be given to how we humans treat Pokémon. But I must say, your vision seems like it would be difficult to achieve."

"Oh?" Ghetsis asked.

"The world is very big," Jessie pointed out. "I would really want to know how wide-reaching you see Pokémon liberation going."

"Now, more precisely, your boss Giovanni Delavita wants to know how this affects his syndicate," Ghetsis spoke straightforwardly. "I am fully aware that you are here as representatives of Team Rocket from the Kanto region."

This caught both James and Jessie off-guard, and they were momentarily speechless. Meowth was the one who hissed, leaping up to stand on his hind paws, "I told you guys they'd see through us!"

Ghetsis looked uninterested. "The interests of your organization and mine are not as incompatible as casual observers might infer. Why don't we instead, discuss your employment opportunities."

"Such as?" asked Jessie.

"Giovanni doesn't appreciate your talent," continued Ghetsis, "I've heard he views the three of you as his most inefficient agents but I can see value to my team in having you join us...especially Meowth." He gestured to the feline Pokémon.

"Meowth?" Jessie and James echoed in surprise. Meowth purred at the recognition.

"A talking Pokémon would certainly help promote our cause, provided your cooperation in speaking at our political rallies," Ghetsis added. "I can guarantee Team Plasma would offer you more suitable renumeration for your work than Team Rocket does."

"Mind if we discuss this for a moment?" asked Jessie, as she led her companions aside to discuss the issue.

"What do you guys think?" whispered James, when they were out of earshot.

"A bigger paycheck just for talking nice about his plans? Can you imagine all those shiny coins?" purred Meowth.

"True..." hesitated Jessie, "but I don't like it. One thing is what we currently do; another thing is this political power grab. He doesn't look like he's going to put it to an election, that's for sure."

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